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Maze-A is a Sci-fi 3d FPS shooter-like game environment with scripted Drones.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
  • 3d doom-like game environment

Full 3d Mars Base game environment. Difficult conditions could lead to death to anyone that reach it's interior.

  • Drones

Drones are patrolling corridors on Mars base. Beware not to be seen as their lasers can deal with human flesh.

  • Horror sci-fi atmosphere

Atmospheric and disturbing graphics & sounds will take you to the edge of playthrough.

  • Interaction

Player can interact with gates to laboratories and exits to other sections of the base.

  • Maps

Game has map to help Player proceed through created levels.


- Map with marking enemies and other useful in game objects

- Drone enemies

- Collecting key cards

- Weapon + Ammo and Health kit's collecting

- Flashlight

- On screen displayed messages

- Pause screen

  • Keyboard and mouse setup:

Mouse move - look around

W / ↑ - Forward

S / ↓ - Backward

A / ← - Strafe left

D / → - Strafe right

Space - Jump

C - Crouch

L Shift / R Shift - Run

E - Interaction

F / Right mouse button - Flashlight

Technical details

Number of textures: 35

Texture dimensions:

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\1279.png: 5000px x 5000px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\barcode.png: 400px x 400px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\blood_border.png: 1920px x 1080px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\blood_stain.png: 683px x 384px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\computerScreen.png: 1280px x 720px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\dust.png: 93px x 41px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\emergency_strip.png: 200px x 50px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\Grafitti.png: 364px x 160px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\Grafitti2.png: 683px x 384px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\Grafitti3.png: 512px x 256px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\gravel_pitch_tiled.png: 1227px x 1629px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\impulse-lander.png: 879px x 485px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\keyboard.png: 1417px x 468px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\mars_map.png: 1172px x 674px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\network_path.png: 353px x 140px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\network_path_normal.png: 353px x 140px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\Oil.png: 512px x 512px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\panel.png: 236px x 352px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\panel_normal.png: 236px x 352px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\spaceship_panel_normal.png: 720px x 360px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\target.png: 148px x 146px

AI texture dimensions (4 x png: albedo, displacement, normal, roughness): 

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\big_rusty_gray_pipe: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\brick_red: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\glowy_green_box: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\glowy_green_canister: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\gray_with_red_lights: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\labolatory_floor: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\labolatory_wall: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\metal_box: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\metal_box_with_handle: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\metal_floor: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\metal_floor_with_panels: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\metal_floor_with_panels_2: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\metal_floor_with_panels_3: 768px x 768px

Somapro\MazeADemo\Textures\AI\metal_floor_with_panels_4: 768px x 768px

Number of prefabs: 62

Vertices and Triangle count for most GPU consuming Prefabs:

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\Corridor_L.prefab: Vertices: 99 585, Triangles: 33 195

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\Corridor_L2.prefab: Vertices: 99 621, Triangles: 33 207

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\Corridor_T.prefab: Vertices: 113 193, Triangles: 37 731

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\Corridor_X.prefab: Vertices: 165 957, Triangles: 55 319

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\CorridorEnd.prefab: Vertices: 29 430, Triangles: 9810

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\CorridorExtended.prefab: Vertices: 60 792, Triangles: 20 264

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\CorridorFull.prefab: Vertices: 64 296, Triangles: 21 432

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\CorridorStairs.prefab: Vertices: 54 129, Triangles: 18 043

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\Laboratoire.prefab: Vertices: 52 692, Triangles: 17 564

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\Room02.prefab: Vertices: 33 450, Triangles: 11 150

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\Room03.prefab: Vertices: 49 662, Triangles: 16 554

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\Room04.prefab: Vertices: 8766, Triangles: 2922

Somapro\MazeADemo\Prefabs\Room05.prefab: Vertices: 5124, Triangles: 1708

Rigging: No

UV mapping: Yes

LOD information: not used

Created with AI

AI Generated textures using website: https://poly.cam/tools/ai-texture-generator

MazeA Demo level

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14 views in the past week
License type: Single Entity
Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
License type
File size
80.7 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Sep 10, 2024
Original Unity version
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