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150x Crates
30x Big Containers
30x Control Panels
50x MedKitBoxes
540x AmmoBoxes
5x FirstAidKit
5x MedKit Stimulators
To be continued...

Sketchfab preview

Animations: Open, Close, Try
Material: Standard Specular
Albedo, Specular, Emission, Normal, Height, Occlusion 2048*2048
Type 1: TVerts 482/165 Pols
Type 2: Tverts 592/322 Pols
Type 3: TVerts 494/134 Pols
Type 4: TVerts 722/204 Pols
Type 5: TVerts 990/318 Pols
Type 6: TVerts 840/423 Pols
Type 7: TVerts 602/174 Pols
Type 8: TVerts 370/112 Pols
Type 9: TVerts 812/411 Pols
Type 10: TVerts 363/127 Pols

Animations: Open, Close, Try
Material: Standard Specular
Albedo, Specular, Emission, Normal, Height, Occlusion 2048*2048
Type 1: TVerts 1226/4582 Pols
Type 2: Tverts 1570/2113 Pols

Control Panels
Animations: Open, Close, Try
Material: Standard Specular
Albedo, Specular, Emission, Normal, 2048*2048
Type Horizontal: TVerts 500/199 Pols
Type Vertical: Tverts 368/171 Pols

MedKit Boxes
Animations: Open, Close, Try
Material: Standard Specular
Albedo, Specular, Emission, Normal 2048*2048
Type 1: TVerts 1415/1594 Pols
Type 2: TVerts 1093/2108 Pols
Type 3: TVerts 1178/952 Pols
Type 4: TVerts 2619/1140 Pols
Type 5: TVerts 948/1208 Pols
Type 6: TVerts 1320/1222 Pols
Type 7: TVerts 1281/1447 Pols
Type 8: TVerts 1867/1414 Pols
Type 9: TVerts 1527/834 Pols
Type 10: TVerts 1265/801 Pols

First Aid Kits
Animations: Open, Close, Try
Material: Standard Specular
Albedo, Specular, Emission, Normal 2048*2048
Type 1: TVerts 1868/884 Pols
Type 2: TVerts 562/474 Pols

Material: Standard Specular
Albedo, Specular, Emission, Normal 1024*1024
Type 1 Medium: TVerts 87/354 Pols
Type 2 Large: TVerts 59/630 Pols
Type 3 Small: TVerts 93/298 Pols

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HiTech SciFi Mega Pack

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Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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