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Here is the 3D Shooting Environment that makes your Shooting game more Beautiful Because I believe in creativity.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

You will get much better quality results when you guys use URP render pipeline.


Here is my Best 3D Shooting Environment that makes your Shooting game more Beautiful Because I believe in creativity.

You want the finest 3D, Characters, models, animations, or Environment you are in the right place.

  • 3D Shooting Environment

This 3d shooting environment is made by keeping in mind the optimization techniques we used in mobile game development. There are the following things in this environment:

  • The package contains
  1. It Includes 43 Textures.
  2. It Contains all High-Resolution Textures.
  3. It has 9 FBX.
  4. It has 44 different Materials.
  • Technical details
  1. It Contains 50K Polycount.
  2. It Contains 50K tries.
  3. It contains some 4K & 2K Textures.

3D Environment, Optimization, Buildings, rough floor, 3d Shooting Environment, Shooting Environment

  • About Assets

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"In Case of any problem Free feel to E-mail. I would love to help you in that case


Technical details
  1. It Contains 50K Polycount.
  2. It Contains 50K tries.
  3. It contains some 4K & 2K Textures.
  4. It Includes 43Textures.
  5. It Contains all High-Resolution Textures.
  6. It has 9 FBX.
  7. It has 44 different Materials.
  8. It includes 44 Different types of Prefabs.

Game Ready -- OutPost Shooting Environment

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17 views in the past week
License type: Single Entity
Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
3 years ago
This asset is very well done. The modeling and texturing are really good. The layout is well designed for a great FPS level and would be fun to run ...
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