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132 models
52 rigged letters, uppercase and lowercase, 52 static letters without face, comma, dot, 12 diacritics, question and exclamation mark, right and wrong signs, pharenteses, at, asterisk, and, pound, quotes, slash, backslash, glasses and a rectangular base model.
Humanoid avatar.
Facial expresion made with blendshapes.
Vertices / faces:
character B with glasses 1730/1640
character I without glasses 1428/2636
329 prefabs
4 color variaton each letter.
201 textures
256x256 to 1024x1024 png
58 animation files:
Static, walk1, walk2, run1, run2, sprint, turnR90, turnL90, brake, trip, runOUT, ballet, jump, runjump, crouch 9 idles, 4 tension, 5 victory, 6 defeat, hide and 3 hide idles.
In place and root motion versions.
2 demoscenes included to test the animations:
words and navigation.
Check the promotional videos for more information.
Documentation included.
52 rigged letters, uppercase and lowercase, 52 static letters without face, comma, dot, 12 diacritics, question and exclamation mark, right and wrong signs, pharenteses, at, asterisk, and, pound, quotes, slash, backslash, glasses and a rectangular base model.
Humanoid avatar.
Facial expresion made with blendshapes.
Vertices / faces:
character B with glasses 1730/1640
character I without glasses 1428/2636
329 prefabs
4 color variaton each letter.
201 textures
256x256 to 1024x1024 png
58 animation files:
Static, walk1, walk2, run1, run2, sprint, turnR90, turnL90, brake, trip, runOUT, ballet, jump, runjump, crouch 9 idles, 4 tension, 5 victory, 6 defeat, hide and 3 hide idles.
In place and root motion versions.
2 demoscenes included to test the animations:
words and navigation.
Check the promotional videos for more information.
Documentation included.
Toon letters
(not enough ratings)
33 users have favourite this asset
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26 views in the past week
License type: Single Entity
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License agreement
Standard Unity Asset Store EULALicense type
File size
86.1 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
May 12, 2023
Original Unity version
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