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🌿 Make your game Vibrant with mesmerizing, dense and interactive grass - make it a core feature of your environment.
Compatible with Standard (Built-in), URP and HDRP.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

Compatible with Unity 2019 and above.

Exceptions : with Unity 2019 and 2020, it is not compatible with Built-in.


Key Features :

  • Very Beautiful
  • Excellent Performance
  • Performant Lights and Interactions : Over 50 objects can be used as point lights and can interact with the grass (the grass is pushed aside with a sound effect when moving through it). It technically can get up to 1000 objects but the performance drop gets serious after about 50.
  • Customization : Paint shadows, height, colors and modify many material properties.
  • Color Masks : Painted colors can be changed after applying them - Very handy if you change your mind.
  • Professional UI : Simple and intuitive design, use a brush wheel and shortcut keys while painting.
  • Audio tool : Easily make the grass area continuously emit a sound effect (useful to simulate the sound of the wind moving the grass).
  • Fast customer support : On a normal week, you should get an answer within 1-2 days.
  • Hill collisions : There is a system to prevent the wind from pushing the grass through the ground (works best on smooth grounds).
  • Interaction Height : The interaction objects push only grass stalks that are taller than the lowest height of the object (works approximately). Useful for hovering objects.
  • Shader Graph : The Shader uses Unity's Shader Graph so you can easily add custom features.
  • Blends well with the HDRP Volumetric Fog
  • You can wrap the grass onto any collider including Unity terrains

🔧 Compatibility :

-Compatible with Windows, Mac(including Metal), Linux (tested successfully in Debian) and non-standalone VR (the build has to be run by a computer).

-NOT compatible with Mobile devices.

-Compatible with Built-in, URP and HDRP.

-Compatible with Unity 2019.3.0f5 and higher.

--> With Unity 2019 and 2020, the asset won't work in Built-in.

--> Some versions have issues that have fixes mentioned in the documentation found in the package.

-Not tested yet with Nintendo Switch, PS4/PS5, Xbox One and Console VR but it is expected to work. If you're able to test for one of the untested platforms, please contact me :) !

  • Compatibility issues :

-Transparency isn't working in Built-In.

-Specific to Unity 2019 : Transparency isn't working, the asset won't work in Built-in and the example scenes won't work.

-Specific to Unity 2020 : Transparency isn't working and the asset won't work in Built-in.

-Specific to Gamma rendering Color Space : Shadows, Heights and painted Colors are saved inaccurately. The visuals are overall different and Transparency won't work.

✖️ Limitations :

  • Creation Time : It takes time to wrap the grass onto the ground (a couple of seconds per 15x15 meters grass field, depending on your computer), and to paint heights and shadows. It was tested on a PC and took 1min to wrap a 75x75meters area and 10mins for 300x300meters, but it depends on your computer. Please check the "Setup" file for a few advices before working on a large area.
  • Unlit materials, Manual Shadows : Painting shadows manually is great for customization and performance, but takes time and has to be done in edit-mode. There is no official way to make the grass react to Unity's lights and shadows.
  • Setup in edit mode : The grass has to be setup and wrapped onto the ground in edit-mode.

Please read the "Setup.pdf" found in the package before using the asset.

If you like the asset, please leave a review, it helps a lot ❤️ !

If you found an issue that isn't mentioned in the documentation, you can contact me using the links or the email mentioned below, I'll do my best to fix it !

Any questions ? Contact me on my Website, join me on Discord, or send me an email at "asalfinmails@gmail.com". On a normal week, you should get an answer within 1-2 days.

Third-Party Notice :

Asset uses Noise Generator under Apache License Version 2.0, and Unity-SerializableDictionary under MIT License; see Third party Notices.txt file in package for details.

Technical details

Types of materials : Unlit

Polygon count : Most grass fields share the same mesh. The polygon count depends on the density, but the average is about 41.7k per Grass Field (15x15 meters)

Number of meshes : Most of the time, it doesn't need to create meshes (but it does when using a cut mesh).

Number of textures : Each grass field needs 2 textures by default, then optionally 4 more (for Shadows, Heights, Colors and ColorMasks)

Texture sizes : 128p, except for the RootsHeightsTexture (you can chose the size) and for ColorMasks (used only in editor, max 8192p)

Included VFX : The Grass Shader

Vibrant Grass Shader

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파일 크기
99.8 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2024년 5월 9일
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