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This package contains a set of 24 shaders for PBR based shaders made specifically for Pebble and Pavement materials. 6 shaders with tessellation displacement features and extra plus features are designed for high-end build PC, 6 shaders with parallax height features and extra plus features are designed for mi-to-high-end build PC, 6 shaders with ambient occlusion and extra plus features are designed for PC/Console, and 6 shaders are designed for mobile game and application development.

 There are multiple extra features introduced to the standard shaders for Pebble and Pavement specification, including:

Parallax Height: users have full controls over all functionalities from parallax height, and height percentage bias is introduced, where height bias can be adjusted based on the wet surface patterns from users input.

Wet Surface: color desaturation can be adjusted based on the color bias chosen for the wet area of the wet surface pattern, meantime, users are able to adjust the Specular and Normal bias of the wet pattern. In addition, tiling and offset of the wet texture can be individually adjusted as well. 

Extra Tiling Pattern: A major tiling pattern is introduced to the standard (Base) shaders, where users can apply individual extra strength on both white/black channels of the tiling pattern, including: 2 individual roughness, 2 individual secondary normal maps, and 2 individual occlusion strength(s).

Far Field Differentiation: render behavior varies with camera distance, where at near field real time render has full details and graphic qualities, meantime at far field, all secondary normal maps fall-off seamlessly into the main normal map, while all specular, roughness and occlusion bias reduce back to zero, in a seamless manner. Meantime, surface base color can be reduced to a chosen tone. In addition, users have full control over the decay and vanish distance. 

High customizable adjustments are introduced as well, including: contrast, brightness, gray-level strength, maximum/minimum channel values (for linear interpolation 1.0 and 0.0), and normal bias. Users can modify most of the texture input properties in real time.

Varies input functionalities are introduced to each shader for optimizations of the rendering power, and enhancements for the graphic quality.


Albedo: Color Bias | Contrast | Brightness

Wet Surface: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Threshold | Wet Color Bias | Normal Bias | Independent Texture Coordinates

Tiling Pattern: Contrast | Strength | White/Black Channels Strength | Threshold | General Strength

Specular: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Threshold | Strength | Shift | Bias on Wet map white/black channels

Roughness: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Strength

Normal: Strength | Bias | Bias on Wet map White/Black channels

Secondary Normal on Tiling White Channel: Strength | Bias | Primary to Secondary ratio

Secondary Normal on Tiling Black Channel: Strength | Bias | Primary to Secondary ratio

Far Field: Decay/Vanish Distance | Base Color Reduction

Ambient Occlusion: Contrast | Base value | Tiling White/Black channels Strength

Tessellation Displacement: Multiplier | Max/Min Displacement Strength | General Strength

Parallax Height: Contrast | Max/Min height | General Strength | White/Black Channel: Height percentage bias

Texture Coordinates: Rotation | UV Tiling | UV Offset

Uniform specular adjustment is introduced to some shaders

Uniform roughness adjustment is introduced to some shaders

Tech Details and Specifications

Numbers of Shaders: 24

Numbers of Sample Materials: 24

Numbers of Sample Textures: 9

Numbers of Demo Scenes: 8

Numbers of Demo Assets: 1 (background material)

Number of Display Cameras: 40

Tessellation Displacement | Parallax Height | Wet Surface | Tiling Pattern | Far Field Differentiation

PBR Based Rendering

SM 5.0 | SM 3.0 | Full Forward Shadows | Standard Specular

Supported Platforms: PS4 | Xbox One | PC | iOS | Android 

Render Type: Opaque

Pebble, and Pavement Specified Shader Smart, Professional Edition

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Pebble, and Pavement Specified Shader Smart, Professional Edition