每款资源都经过 Unity 审核
Unity版本 | 内置渲染管线 | 通用渲染管线(URP) | 高清渲染管线(HDRP) |
2021.3.45f1 | 兼容 | 兼容 | 不兼容 |
2020.3.48f1 | 兼容 | 兼容 | 不兼容 |
- Verified comptaible through Unity 6
- Supports both Built-In and URP pipelines.
- Requires OpenGL ES 3.0 for full functionality (equivalent of iPhone 5s and above). On older devices, it will fallback to a subset of features.
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OmniShade Pro是一款专为移动设备设计的高性能着色器。它包含多种技术,使其几乎可以实现从现实到卡通到动漫的任何外观,但由于自适应系统仅计算任何功能集所需的内容,它的速度也非常快。
上面所有的示例图像都是仅使用 OmniShade 渲染的,表达的多样性是无限的。它可以用于具有复杂照明或简单照明的游戏——无论如何,性能始终是最佳的。
- Color adjustments + desaturation
- Diffuse soft lighting
- Specular map + hair highlights
- Rim light
- Reflection
- Normal map
- Occlusion map
- Emissive map
- MatCap
- Vertex colors for vertex painting
- Detail map
- 3 blended layers
- Transparency mask
- Height based colors
- Shadow overlay
- Vertex-sway for vegetation
- Outline
- Anime ramp lighting
- Flat shading
- Environmental lighting, fog, and light probes
- Shadows + shadow colors
- Unity baked global illumination support
- Triplanar projection texture mapping
- Full access to culling and blend settings + presets for opaque/transparent objects
- Highly tunable controls for all features
- Built-In and URP pipeline support
- Progressively adaptive performance which automatically detects and generates the minimal shader variant for any given set of enabled features.
- Optimized shader stripping on a per-material basis for minimum build size and memory
- Custom fallback shader on Open GL ES 2, so your game looks great for even grandma
- Script for animating textures in the shader
- Slick collapsable shader UI, easily extendable
- Set of tutorial demo scenes
确实,标准着色器对于移动设备来说仍然太慢。让我们面对现实吧,给艺术家Shader Graph就像给婴儿一把枪。但这并不意味着您必须在游戏外观上妥协。
OmniShade还是OmniShade Pro?
- Triplanar Projection Mapping for texturing modular or procedural geometry
- Optimized shader stripping to achieve minimum memory and build size
- Custom fallback shader for OpenGL ES 2 devices
We now also offer OmniShade PBR, a high-end physically-based rendering version!
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OmniShade Pro移动优化着色器