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Works with LWRP and HDRP

14 Nodes:

- SSS Color,

- SSS gradient,

- Parallax mapping,

- Parallax Mapping iterrations,

- Parallax Occlusion Mapping,

- PerturbedNormals (World normal with NormalMap),

- FixedViewDirectionTangent,

- CreateNormalChannel (for individual texture channels),

- CreateNormalFloat (allows to use procedural noises and stuff to create normals),

- IfNode,

- LightDirection (in unity 2019 - only lwrp),

- Light Attenuation (in unity 2019 - only lwrp),

- Range (procedural shape),

- TilingShape (for convenient tiling shapes).

+ SSS node for Amplify shader editor

+ Light Attenuation node for Amplify shader editor (works in pbr and unlit shader for LWRP)

Female head with material that was shown in the video, download after importing nodes and shaders Link

A plant with material and a separate scene can be downloaded after loading nodes and shaders


Shader Graph 3.0 or higher

If you have any questions or issues with the assets, contact me: 



Please before you write a complaint about a new error in Shader graph, check whether there is a bug without these nodes in an empty project, and then write me an email or a forum, I always respond and help.

If you do not like the asset for some reason, I will make you a refund, please contact me directly by e-mail. I can not contact you through the Asset store, so write to the e-mail that I indicated in the description.

Shader graph version 5.7.2 does not support nodes, but all other older and newer versions work well, if you have version 5.7.2 then upgrade shader graph and render Pipeline to the latest version in 2019 unity

If you have Shader Graph 6.9.0 update it

Nodes for Shader Graph

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라이선스: Single Entity
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Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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파일 크기
7.5 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2020년 5월 4일
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