11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
10 万人を超えるフォーラムメンバーが支持
すべてのアセットを Unity が審査済み
Mega URP Shadergraphs is an extensive collection of Shadergraphs specifically designed for the Ultimate Render Pipeline.
With all the shaders types you need for any 3D or 2D game creation and notably an advanced Toon Shader with Highlights, Shading texture, Distance Fadeout and up to 8 extra lights supported.
All the shaders are presented with full PBR support plus Unlit shaders and Sprite Lit shaders.
Using the same naming convention of the Unity standard shaders you can use them right of the box without losing information when you switch shaders.
All their custom properties are also carefully named to easily access them via code.
The Shadergraphs grouped by logic blocs are easy to read and modify, plus many useful subgraphs are present for your own Shadergraphs.
You can test all the shaders on your models with an interactive demo with 2 free rigged toon characters included.
URP PBR and UNLIT Shaders:
- MUS_ColorGradiant
- MUS_FlowMap
- MUS_FresnelOutline
- MUS_Marble
- MUS_NoiseGradiant
- MUS_ReplaceDissolve
- MUS_ScrollingOverlay
- MUS_Shinny
- MUS_Desintegrate
- MUS_Dissolve
- MUS_DistanceFadeout (3 modes)
- MUS_ColorRim
- MUS_EmissiveColorGradiant
- MUS_SimpleRamp
- MUS_Toon (Color Rim/ Ramp / Normals / Shading Texture / 3 Distance Fadeout modes / Highlights / Main Light detection / +8 Extra lights detection)
- MUS_LateralProjection
- MUS_TopDownProjection
- MUS_SnowNoise
- MUS_Terrain
- MUS_TerrainSplit
- MUS_TopTriplanar
- MUS_TopTriplanarSplit
- MUS_CrystalGlass
- MUS_ForceField
- MUS_ForceFieldDeform
- MUS_Hologram
- MUS_OrganicFluid
- MUS_RadioactiveSpill
- MUS_Water
- MUS_Water_Floor
- MUS_Water_Reflection
- MUS_Wind_Foliage
- MUS_Wind_Grass
- MUS_DeformFlag
- MUS_DeformX
- MUS_DeformY
- MUS_DeformZ
- MUS_BlendTexture (8 different blending)
- MUS_Blur
- MUS_ColorAdjustemnt (Hue / Contrast / Saturation)
- MUS_ColorFill
- MUS_ColorGradiant
- MUS_Desintegrate
- MUS_Dissolve
- MUS_Dither
- MUS_FogTint
- MUS_Ghost
- MUS_Hologram
- MUS_Outline
- MUS_Parallax
- MUS_Pixelate
- MUS_RadioactiveSpill
- MUS_ReplaceColor
- MUS_ReplaceDissolve
- MUS_ScrollOverlay
- MUS_Snow (With light mask support)
- MUS_StepColor
- MUS_Swirl
- MUS_TransparentGradiant
- MUS_Wobble
- MUS_SineDeform
- MUS_Vegetation
Mega URP Shadergraphs