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Firecracker (Wikipedia) is the festive Chinese firework known to create deafening noises. A must have if you want to infuse the festive mood of Lunar New Year (aka Spring Festival) in your scene.

The script generates a chain of firecracker which can be detonated after a predefined duration or on the fly. The chain begins exploding from the bottom upward, emits crack sfx and lot of smokes, sparks and confetti-like paper scrapes. Explosion of each segment thrusts the whole chain to swing.

Explosion effect is Shuriken particle system-based and highly customizable, so are the number of segments, distance between segments, delay before detonation, blasting interval between segments, thrusting power of each explosion and delay before destroying the whole chain of object.

Lighter versions lack the ability to swing, more suitable for massive spawning or mobile devices. The full version requires physics, so moderation is required to avoid major drop of frame rate.

Non-explosive prefabs are also there to be placed in your scene just as mere decoration. Last but not least, an original, royalty-free Chinese festive background music to finish off the mood.

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Latest release date
Sep 27, 2017
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