每款资源都经过 Unity 审核
For text it uses TextMesh Pro so please don't forget to install it.
The FolderColorizer script is a powerful Unity Editor extension that allows developers to customize the appearance of folders in the Unity Project window. This tool enhances project organization by enabling users to color-code folders, add overlay text, and apply custom icons or sprites. With additional features like customizable font settings and offsets for both detail and tree views, this script offers a high level of visual customization, making it easier to navigate complex projects. For text it uses TextMesh Pro so please don't forget to install it.
Key Features:
- Folder Color Customization: Easily apply different colors to folders, making it straightforward to visually distinguish different assets.
- Overlay Text & Sprites: Add descriptive text overlays or icons to folders, helping to identify content at a glance.
- Font Customization: Adjust the font style, size, and color for overlay text, ensuring the appearance aligns with your project's style.
- Detailed & Tree View Customization: Separate settings for folder appearance in both detail and tree views, giving you precise control over how folders look in different parts of the Unity Editor.
How to Use:
Open the Color Picker Window:
- Right-click on any folder in the Unity Project window and select Assets -> Set Folder Color from the context menu.
- The FolderColorizer window will open, allowing you to configure folder colors, overlay text, and other settings.
Configure Folder Appearance:
- Select your desired folder color using the color picker.
- Optionally, add overlay text or an overlay sprite for additional visual cues.
- Customize font settings including size, color, and style.
- Adjust offsets for the overlay text and sprite for both detail and tree views to fit your layout preferences.
Save and Apply Settings:
Once all settings are configured, click the Save Settings button to apply the changes.
The folder's appearance in the Project window will update automatically, reflecting your customizations.
Reset or Update Settings:
Settings are saved per folder, allowing you to update or reset them as needed by reopening the FolderColorizer window.
This script is essential for Unity developers seeking to improve project organization and readability by visually customizing folder appearances.