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Use this tool for:

1. Easily change the colors of your 3D models, no need to back and forth between Blender, Unity, Photoshop!

2. Share the same material for all of your objects, while still being able to change colors individually

3. Improve Performance & Reduce Drawcalls

4. The tool will automatically add the colors you pick to a shared texture and automatically adjust the UV coordinates of your model to match this new color.

So that you won't spend time adjusting the UV or being limited to a specific set of colors.

And here is how this asset works!

1. You will simply click on your Gameobject, then select the colors that you like

2. The tools will immediately use the shared material (created automatically for you) And it will also fill the texture with your selected color and also adjust the UV of your model to the selected color!

Note: This tool requires that the 3D models are made with the specific standard in mind, so you should only use it on assets that have support for Dynamic UV.

All of our free & paid assets has support for dynamic UV 

And A lot of low-poly packages already work so well with the tool 

And of course, you can adjust your models to work with Dynamic UV really easy (check the attached documentation)

Note This tool is currently under development, but don't worry, it has no effects on your original models (as it will create a copy of them and use those copies) so you can safely back to your original models if you faced any problems.

For Content Creators - if you are willing to use this tool with a custom model that has no support for Dynamic UV you can still very easily convert unsupported models to supported ones.

(Note: follow the documentation for a better tutorial with images)

* Open the model in Blender (or any other software)

* Go to UV Section, and select all the vertices that you want to make them have the same color

* Scale them down to 0

* Do it again with any other vertices

* Import and enjoy.

Dynamic UV should work perfectly with that setup

That's it.

Dynamic UV (Coordinates & Colors)

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File size
611.8 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
Feb 18, 2022
Original Unity version
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