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• Too much art resources do not know how to optimize it?
• Do you want to see the detailed parameters of each type of resources?
• Want to sort some kind of resource according to certain rules?
• And then this tool is for all of this! With its resource optimization, it will be clear.
1. screen out the resources you want to view by certain conditions.
2. list all the relevant information of the corresponding resource (including name, memory size, format, etc.).
3. can be selected by a simple click, then the batch modify parameters.
Model article:
The formats that support the detection include FBX, obj, DAE, DXF, SKP, Max, 3ds, blend, Ma, MB, C4d.
• parameter list:
Name, format, vertex number, triangulation number, memory size, number of sub objects, child number, vertex color number, normal number, tangent number and UV number.
Support all Texture2D, Cubemap, Texture2DArry, RenderTexture formats in Unity.
• parameter list:
Name, format, memory size, width, height, image type, compression format on single machine, compression format on Android, compression format on Iphone, mipmap, readable/write.
• support MovieTexture and VideoClip.
• parameter list:
Name, video type, memory size, width, height, length, and number of audio.
Particle system article:
• parameter list:
The name, component type, Transform, is whether the default default display, memory size, number of emitters, whether the circulation, the particle system module number, particle number, model number, life animation, model number, quantity, light skinned tail number, quantity, material quantity, projector Shader number and the specific use of which.
• parameter list:
Name, memory size, type of animation, number of bones, whether to open and optimize, whether to import animation, Resample Curves, whether to compress animations, the number of animated fragments, and the frame rate of animation.
• parameter list:
Name、Texture Count、Shader、Pass Count、Render Queue。
• parameter list:
Name、Path、The Name Same As Path、Type(Vert/Frag、Surface、FixedFuntion)、Variant Count、Properties、Texture Properties Count、Cast Shadow、Render Queue、LOD、Error、IgnoreProjector、Support Currect Platform。
• parameter list:
Name、Namespace、Line Count。
• parameter list:
Name、Font Name、Font Format、MemorySize。
• parameter list:
GUID、Repat Name、China Character、Wrongful Character、Missing Script Object。
• Do you want to see the detailed parameters of each type of resources?
• Want to sort some kind of resource according to certain rules?
• And then this tool is for all of this! With its resource optimization, it will be clear.
1. screen out the resources you want to view by certain conditions.
2. list all the relevant information of the corresponding resource (including name, memory size, format, etc.).
3. can be selected by a simple click, then the batch modify parameters.
Model article:
The formats that support the detection include FBX, obj, DAE, DXF, SKP, Max, 3ds, blend, Ma, MB, C4d.
• parameter list:
Name, format, vertex number, triangulation number, memory size, number of sub objects, child number, vertex color number, normal number, tangent number and UV number.
Support all Texture2D, Cubemap, Texture2DArry, RenderTexture formats in Unity.
• parameter list:
Name, format, memory size, width, height, image type, compression format on single machine, compression format on Android, compression format on Iphone, mipmap, readable/write.
• support MovieTexture and VideoClip.
• parameter list:
Name, video type, memory size, width, height, length, and number of audio.
Particle system article:
• parameter list:
The name, component type, Transform, is whether the default default display, memory size, number of emitters, whether the circulation, the particle system module number, particle number, model number, life animation, model number, quantity, light skinned tail number, quantity, material quantity, projector Shader number and the specific use of which.
• parameter list:
Name, memory size, type of animation, number of bones, whether to open and optimize, whether to import animation, Resample Curves, whether to compress animations, the number of animated fragments, and the frame rate of animation.
• parameter list:
Name、Texture Count、Shader、Pass Count、Render Queue。
• parameter list:
Name、Path、The Name Same As Path、Type(Vert/Frag、Surface、FixedFuntion)、Variant Count、Properties、Texture Properties Count、Cast Shadow、Render Queue、LOD、Error、IgnoreProjector、Support Currect Platform。
• parameter list:
Name、Namespace、Line Count。
• parameter list:
Name、Font Name、Font Format、MemorySize。
• parameter list:
GUID、Repat Name、China Character、Wrongful Character、Missing Script Object。
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파일 크기
400.1 KB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2023년 2월 24일
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