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Spark your game with procedural magic effects, make environmental grenades or puzzle players with spreading elements, Magio can do it all.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

Unity Editor 2021.1+ Required

Supported Rendering Pipelines: URP & HDRP

Required additional packages:

- Visual Effects Graph 11.0+


💡 Bring your scenes to life with procedural interactive effects. URP & HDRP.

Looking for something to set your game apart from the masses? Add just right amount of wow-effect to your game with procedural interactive effects! Whether you are making a FPS with environmental grenades, a game with different kinds of magic or a puzzle game, Magio will provide you stunning visual effects.

Core of Magio is to make any effect instantly fit any mesh or skinned mesh and make it interactive. Ignite, spread, extinguish/nullify and customize the effects as you will. Every effect will be unique, procedurally generated in real-time and fitted to the attached gameobjects.

Magio Core is a more affordable version of Magio Pro but still thrives to provide you the tools you need to make your game feel fun and alive. Comparison between core and pro versions below.

In doubt which version to get? Try Magio Core first, then upgrade to powerful and feature-rich Magio Pro without paying extra.

❓ Support

📕 Documentation

📺 Video Tutorials

💬 Discord

🎮 Demos (URP & HDRP) (Magio Pro)

Core features:

☑️ One-click conversion for any mesh or skinned mesh.

☑️ Full control over the effect behaviour e.g. spread speed, lifetime.

☑️ Tweak VFX and shader parameters to fit your objects perfectly.

☑️ Integrate SFX and lights to work with the effects.

☑️ Nullify/Extinguish effects with raycasting or other particle systems.

☑️ Use production-ready effects or integrate your own effects.

☑️ Open code and Visual Effects graphs.

☑️ Demo scenes for URP and HDRP with code and visuals.

ℹ️ Full feature list

Included polished procedural effects (HDRP & URP):

🌿 Plantify

❄️ Freeze

⚡ Electric

+ 🌿 Magic Grass effect if you review the asset

Magio Shader modes (All of them support linear spreading and nullifying):

- Emission overlay

- Texture override (+ wetness override)

Optionally you can use your own/third-party shaders by creating compatibility with them. However, naturally most third-party shaders cannot do everything Magio Shaders can (MORE INFO HERE).

Limitations in Magio Core vs Magio Pro:

- In Magio Core gameobjects can only have one magio effect at the time.

What's better in Magio Pro?

- Multi-effect support. One object can have multiple effects. Meaning the same object can be covered by plants and then catch fire and then be melted away.

- 3 more effects and 3 extremely polished High-quality HDRP effects.

- Effect interaction. Fire burns plants, Melting nullifies all effects, fire melts ice etc.

- Dissolve shader effect. Make object melt away or dissapear.

- High Quality Demo scene to jump-start games with magic interaction

Check out feature comparison table

Available Add-ons:

☠️Poison & Wet

♦️ Low Poly

Don't forget to claim your FREE Reviewer's Add-on.

💰 Permanent Upgrades/Discounts:

- Magio Core owners can upgrade to Magio Pro with price difference ($90)

- Magio (Core or Pro) owners get a (-60%) discount of Ignis (Price: $20)

- Ignis owners get a (-$30) discount of Magio Pro (Price: $120)

Technical details

📕 Documentation

Unity Editor 2021.1+ Required

Supported Rendering Pipelines: URP & HDRP

Required additional packages:

- Visual Effects Graph 11.0+

Supported objects:

- Mesh (Solid, vegetation etc.)

- Skinned Mesh (Animated)

The asset includes:

- URP and HDRP Demo scenes.

- 3 high-performance GPU-simulated procedural Visual Effect Graphs.

- Scripts for effect behaviour.

- Editor scripts for easy conversion, effect outlook, behaviour design and error handling.

Core features:

☑️ Easily convert any mesh or skinned mesh to work with Magio or use splash impacts for easy effects.

☑️ Full control over the effect behaviour e.g. spread speed, lifetime.

☑️ Tweak VFX and shader parameters to fit your objects.

☑️ Integrate SFX and lights to the effects.

☑️ Nullify/Extinguish effects with raycasting or other particle systems.

☑️ Use production-ready effects or integrate your own effects.

☑️ Open code and Visual effects graphs.

☑️ Demo scenes for URP and HDRP with code and visuals.

ℹ️ Full feature list

Integrated with:

The Vegetation Engine

Nature Manufacture Environments (E.g. Forest)

MTree Shaders

Unity Terrain Tree Instances

Vegetation Studio Pro

Can be integrated with:

▪ Almost any FPS-asset by using Magio interaction scripts.

▪ Almost any 3D-art-asset by creating shader compatibility. However, naturally most third-party shaders cannot do everything Magio Shaders can (MORE INFO HERE).

Supported Build Platforms:

Full support:

- High-End Platforms (PC, Xbox, PS4 etc.)

Limited Support:

- Mobile platforms: Since Visual Effects Graph is not out-of-preview for mobile platforms, they cannot be fully supported. However, some instances work with Vulkan and mobile support is planned. Follow the progress here.

No Support:

- WebGL


- Post-processing was used in the scenes shown in the video and in demo scene. (But all videos were captured inside Unity Editor and un-edited after that)

- Some of the scenes shown in the video are not included in package. Included packages in the video are marked as included. (Assets used in the videos that are not included)

- Third-Party assets are being used in the demo scene and in some effects. Full list of licences (CC) here.

- Beta and Alpha versions of Unity not supported.

Magio Core - Interactive Effect Engine - URP/HDRP

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2022년 9월 26일
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Magio Core - Interactive Effect Engine - URP/HDRP