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This Asset enables you to use the legacy (deprecated) Socket.IO Version 2 as a networking backend to connect to your game servers or other services.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP


This asset is using and implementing legay / deprecated technologies.

Socket.IO V2 is not recommended to be used anymore.

We keep this package live on the Asset Store for a low price to allow developers to still buy and use it if they need to use the old V2 protocol. If possible, switch to socket.IO V4!

This asset is no longer maintained. There will be no more changes to the code, except required security fixes.

Do you need the newer, more robust Socket.IO v3 or v4? Find our other asset here!

Want to buy this asset anyways? Read on...

This asset implements an easy to use API for communicating to any socket.io v2.x powered backend like for example NodeJS microservices using the standard On/Emit Methods.

This implementation is heavily tested as we are using it in two of our game projects.

The library supports Receiving and Emitting events with zero or one data parameter (which can be a JSON object) as simple as. JSON-Object-Data which is received from the server is serialized into a string (JSON format). Plain text data is passed through unmodified. Binary payloads are not supported (You can encode them as Base64). ACK is also not supported. This library is ready made for simple Event-Based communication. It is not aiming to be a complete socket.IO implementation. It does not support namespaces.

See the technical details for more information.

Please note that this V2 asset is only receiving bugfixes as of March 2022 because of Socket.IO v2 barely being used anymore. There will be no more features or functions added to this release. You might probably want to switch to our more current V3/V4 asset.

This does not mean, that this asset has functional regressions. It is still working with the feature set as of early 2022.

Technical details


Compared to other Socket.IO-Assets available, our implementation has the following advantages:

  • Supports Standalone and WebGL builds
  • Supports multiple connections/instances at the same time for both implementations.
  • Uses the newer JSLib implementation for WebGL-Support instead of deprecated APIs
  • Developed and tested under Unity 2019.4 LTS
  • No compiled DLL. Includes full source code
  • Supports AutoReconnect (can be disabled)
  • NEW: Now including two demo projects with server code

We do strongly recommend using Newtonsoft JSON or JSON.Net along with this asset.

As told in the title, this asset implements Version 2 of the Socket.IO protocol. If your server uses Version 1 or 3.0, you can not connect at all.

Socket.IO Version 3.1 and 4 contain a compatibility mode (allowEIO3 option needs to be set on the server) which allows for smoother migration from v2 to v3/v4 but it should not be permanently used in production. We do also sell an asset for Socket.IO v3/v4 which is also more robust and has some major improvements "under the hood". If you need v2 now and v3/v4 later, there is an upgrade discount.

The native implementation does only support websocket transport. Long-Polling is not supported. The WebGL implementation tries websocket first and implements a fallback to long-polling.

The native Socket.IO implementation of this asset uses some MIT-Licensed code from Fabio Panettieri and Peter Braith. This code is bundled in a seperate folder and a license header is included. If you are not a licensee of this asset but want a copy of the MIT-Licensed code, you can file a request to our support address.

Please note that this V2 asset is only receiving bugfixes as of March 2022 because of Socket.IO v2 barely being used anymore. There will be no more features or functions added to this release. You might probably want to switch to our more current V3/V4 asset.

This does not mean, that this asset has functional regressions. It is still working with the feature set as of early 2022.

Socket.IO V2 Client for Unity (Standalone & WebGL)

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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File size
459.0 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
Sep 14, 2021
Original Unity version
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Socket.IO V2 Client for Unity (Standalone & WebGL)