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The Easy Steamworks Integration brings various Steam features to your game with a very few clicks. The Steam Leaderboards plugin allows to load, sort and filter Steam Leaderboards; scores can be enriched with additional data (like replays/screenshots). You can integrate this plugin within your uGUI menus or trigger a popup leaderboard with a single line of code. The UI is highly customizable and can be adapted to the look of your game.

- single prefab drag n' drop for static UI
- single code line for popup UI
- highly customizable uGUI prefabs
- display leaderboards
- filter leaderboard entries (range, around user, friends)
- load Steam avatar textures
- submit scores
- format scores (numeric, seconds, milliseconds)
- add additional data (replays, screenshots)
- create leaderboards (rank order, display type, update type)

Links: Documentation | Forum

Game using the Steam Workshop - Easy Steamworks Integration
- Guts and Glory

The Easy Steamworks Integration series are powered by Steamworks.NET created by Riley Labrecquea. If you are lucky enough to earn some money with your game, then please consider a donation to Riley Labrecquea.

Steam Leaderboards - Easy Steamworks Integration

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