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Plugins are set of code that are used in the specific target platform.
These codes can be called from your Unity so specific features of the desired platform can be used.

Android Plugin:
It will help to access features on Android devices with in unity3d.

These features are easy to use. It will make your application more interactive and compatible with android users. We hope our plugins will make your game be more productive. With our plugins, these following features will be easy to use.

- Android Toast (show toast and change the length of toast i.e. short or long) - Android Date and time picker (Select date and time from android spinner)
- Android Dialog Box / Alert box (show dialog box and it can also be customized like change {title text, inside message text, yes or no text and functionality on pressing button})
- Camera (take Picture using camera and save into application data; picture can be shared too)
- Image Picker (get image from device or camera; picture can be shared too)
- Share Text and Share URL (text and URL can be shared on social media or send by SMS)
- Screen Shot (take screenshot; picture can be shared too)
- Share Image (Image can be shared on any social media or send by SMS)

Demo of the plugins:
Android Native Plugins for Unity (Demo)

Tutorial to use these plugins
Android Native Plugins for Unity (Tutorial)

More features will be available on upcoming version.
Your ideas about adding features will be considered on next version.
We glad to hear from you and your support will be appreciable.

For questions or suggestions or any feedback please contact us by email

eXtreme Android Plugin

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Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
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2019년 8월 12일
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