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"easySpawner" is an easy to use spawning solution for game development that allows multiple different usages with the click of a button.
It is built off systems created for PC videogame "Emu War".

Using proprietary logic, it allows complex spawning situations for all uses in all types of game play. By selecting the type of spawning positioning and selection process via checking bools in editor, you can change the nature of the spawner to be used in different scenarios.

It also includes a pooled gun logic that simplifies efficient weapon systems so you can focus on unique gameplay rather than reinventing the wheel.

Included spawner solutions are:

"Adaptive" which keeps tabs on current unit numbers in real time, spawning more within user selected restrictions within a defined max number of units

"Pooled" which spawns a defined number of units into a pool that is then used as the source of units to be reused over time

"Proximity Based Pooled" which keeps utilises a proximity system with a demo scene showing usage with a player game object, showing how item respawns can be restricted based on player proximity.

"Gun" which includes both a gun and bullet logic script to allow instant integration of pooled weapons to speed up development.

In depth documentation is also available which offer explanatory manuals which details the system, and easy step by step setup guides.

Multiple demo scenes are included which show integration with player controllers, to allow proximity based spawning solutions to allow new items to spawn outside of a player perception radius from a pool of existing items.

For those that want to delve deeper into the system to customise it, code is included in C# that can easily be modified as you see fit. It can also be used as a learning resource as the logic is not abstract and easily readable.

For further support, you can contact the developer directly either through the support thread on Unity Forums (https://forum.unity.com/threads/easyspawner.978696/) or via support@hermitmode.com.au

Supports the following render pipelines: Standard, SRP LW and SRP HD.

Compatible with Unity 2019.4.9


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최신 릴리스 날짜
2022년 6월 23일
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