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Dice Roller Pro provides a unique parsing and random dice rolling results. The component supports a variety of rolls.
- Basic Roll
- Fate/Fudge Roll
- Exploding Dice
- Compounding Dice
- Penetrating Dice
- Keep high/low Dice
- Drop high/low Dice
- Group/Sum Rolls
Dice Roller Pro can be used in various ways, including:
- Create new instances of the classes inheritance from BaseRoll to create the roll that matches your requirements.
- Create preset of rolls using ScriptableObjects
- Parse rolls on demand parsing (e.g. as part of loading data from a database)
Dice Roller Pro is highly optimized to have a low CPU and memory overhead.
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Dice Roller Pro
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156.7 KB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2024년 1월 2일
원본 Unity 버전
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