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The Freemium Starter Kit is a comprehensive asset package designed to help mobile game developers create freemium games quickly and efficiently.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible

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Introducing the Freemium Starter Kit - the ultimate solution for mobile game developers looking to monetize, share, and engage their players! Are you struggling to make your game profitable? Say goodbye to the hassle of learning different APIs and building infrastructure for notifications, social media integration, in-app purchases, ads, and more.

With the Freemium Starter Kit, you get a comprehensive asset package that provides an entire infrastructure right out of the box. This includes inventory, crafting, quests, purchasing, consumables, collectables, event systems, notification systems, games of chance, audio management, and a UI manager. These systems work together seamlessly, allowing you to concentrate on what you do best - making a great game.

Boost your game's visibility by rewarding players for sharing your game on social media and posting reviews on the app store. Increase player engagement with features like collectibles, daily prizes, quests, crafting, games of chance, and notification reminders. Save time on development with fully integrated systems that work out of the box. Plus, our custom Unity Editor guides you through the setup process, and our built-in, fully managed UI system simplifies the development process.

Generate revenue from your game with region-based ads, in-app purchases, and loot boxes. Enhance user experience and profitability with a robust feature set designed for mobile games. Instead of wasting time figuring out how to make your game profitable, let the Freemium Starter Kit handle it all for you. Start using the Freemium Starter Kit today and take your game to the next level!

Features overview:

✓ Advanced Game System - This comprehensive database-driven system efficiently handles inventory, crafting, quests, purchases, consumables, collectibles, and chance-based games.

✓ Integrated Management Systems - Includes a built-in system for managing events, notifications, sound effects, and music, ensuring a seamless user experience.

✓ Comprehensive Integration Capabilities - Features fully integrated systems for advertisements, social media, and in-app purchases to enhance user engagement and monetization.

✓ Robust UI Management - A powerful UI manager that utilizes an event-driven graphical user interface system, designed to provide a smooth and responsive user experience.

✓ Example Game with Source Code and Assets - Includes a fully functional example game complete with commented source code and royalty-free assets, perfect for learning and adaptation.

This asset uses below third party libraries.

1. LeanTween [The MIT License (MIT)] (Source: https://github.com/dentedpixel/LeanTween)

2. NativeShare [MIT License] (Source: https://github.com/yasirkula/UnityNativeShare)

3. NewtonSoft JSON [The MIT License (MIT)] (Source: https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json)

4. iOSReviewRequests [MIT License] (Source: https://github.com/elringus/ios-review-request)

5. NaughtyAttributes [MIT License] (Source: https://github.com/dbrizov/NaughtyAttributes)

See Third-Party Notices.txt file in the package for details.

Technical details

Features: Inventory System, Crafting System, Quest System, Purchasing System, Consumables and Collectables,Event System, Notification System, Games of Chance, Ads Integration, Social Media Integration,In-App Purchases, Local Database Management, Audio Management, UI Manager, Region-Based Ads,Loot Boxes, Daily Prizes and Rewards, Custom Unity Editor for Easy Setup, Fully Managed UI System

Supported OS: iOS, Android

Link to documentation: API Documentation | FAQ | Common Problems | Editor Help 

Created with AI

We utilized AI to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the demo game by generating resources such as background images and audio files. These resources are not the primary focus of the asset or the demo game; they simply serve to improve the overall presentation.

For background images and character portraits, we used the website LayerAI. Additionally, we employed DeepAI to generate sound effects, ambient noises, and background music.

There are text files in the demo game folder indicating which files are AI-generated. Unless noted otherwise, all other files were commissioned specifically for this demo.

Freemium Starter Kit

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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63.2 MB
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