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Easy Mesh Combiner is a tool that combines multiple meshes of your scene into just one mesh. This greatly reduces the Batches of your scene bringing great performance gains!
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

Compatible with Unity 2018.1.0 and ANY newer version.


Easy Mesh Combiner allows you to combine the meshes of your scenes in a very easy and intuitive way, all through your Unity Editor (or in Runtime) without the need for third-party programs for example.

EMC can also generate Atlas from your meshes textures and can even generate combined meshes without distortion or quality reduction in textures.

With EMC you can also undo merges that have already been made, edit your scene, and then combine it all again without problems!

Need to combine Skinned Meshes too?

Skinned Mesh Combiner MT

Need to generate LODs/Simplified versions of your meshes?

Ultimate LOD System MT

Or get all these 3 tools, at a discount, in one Bundle!

Mesh Merge and LOD - Bundle

Some Features of This Tool

● All components (Colliders, Audio Source, etc.) of your original GameObjects are kept intact even after merging.

Merge meshes at Runtime and Editor.

● Easily undo merges made in Editor/Runtime.

● It has a completely non-destructive workflow.

● Fully compatible with HDRP, URP and Built-in RP.

● It can generate combined meshes with 64,000 vertices or more.

● It can reduce the Batches of your scene by up to 97%.

● You can combine the textures of your meshes too, generating an Atlas.

● Fully supports Tiled Textures (on Materials, Meshes, UV, etc.) and negative UV values.

● Supports all types of Materials, Shaders, UVs and Meshes.

● Supports multi-material meshes (meshes that use more than 1 material).

● It fully supports material maps (Normal Maps, Height Maps, etc.).

● The files generated by the merge can be saved in your project.

● Supports Prefab creation.

● Easily select which meshes you want to combine. You don't need to modify your scene!

● Great documentation.

● You can manage meshes that have already been combined.

● The material used by the mesh resulting from the merge is defined by you.

● You can export the mesh resulting from the merge as an OBJ file.

● It is also possible to export generated Atlas.

● There is a very complete and intuitive C# API for mesh merging in Runtime.

And more…

☆ I will always be working to provide support and updates for all my tools!

◆ Email for contact, support, feedback and questions: mtassets@windsoft.xyz

◆ Website of MT Assets: https://windsoft.xyz/mtassets

◆ MT Assets Community on Discord: https://discord.gg/44aGAt4Sv4

Created with ❤ by MT Assets!

Technical details

The Easy Mesh Combiner currently has 3 mesh Merge Methods. Each method combines in a different way and has its own characteristics. See below.

- About "One Mesh Per Material" (Merge Method)

This merge method has the ability to generate combined meshes that have no visual difference when compared to unmerged meshes. In addition, it is a very fast and easy to use merge method.

This merge method combines all meshes that share the same material into one mesh. In other words, if you have 300 meshes and 200 meshes use material A and 100 meshes use material B, at the end of the merge, you will have a single mesh that uses 2 materials. Materials A and B. This mesh resulting from the merge will continue to use the original A and B materials.

With this method of merge, you will still have the same quality as the original meshes, even in the mesh resulting from the merge. The combined mesh will use the same original materials and still have great performance gains!

This method is the easiest to use, as it does not require any special definition of merge parameters as everything is automatic.

- About "All In One" (Merge Method)

This merge method will combine all meshes into one, it will combine all textures as well, generating an Atlas. On the other hand, textures can have a small quality reduction compared to the previous merge method, because textures are combined in an Atlas.

This merge method will combine all meshes into one, and will even merge textures. This merge method can yield even greater performance gains, but it requires more knowledge to define the merge parameters. This method also supports all maps like Normal Maps, Height Maps and so on.

- About "Just Material Colors" (Merge Method)

This merge method does not work with textures and is intended for developers who do not use textures in their Materials, but only use Colors.

This merge method will combine all meshes into a single mesh and generate an Atlas texture that has all the colors from all the original materials. In the end, this Atlas texture is assigned to the mesh resulting from the merge, it will remain colored normally, just as it was colored before the merge.

Because this merge method does not work with textures, this merge method does not support maps like Normal Maps, Height Maps and so on.

Easy Mesh Combiner MT - Scene Mesh Merge, Atlasing Support & More

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File size
129.6 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Oct 28, 2024
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