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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

게임 툴킷
All My 3D & VFX Unity Assets
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

Cinemachine version 3.0 package from Unity Registry is now a dependency

All assets are ready to use by default when opening with Unity 2022.3 (URP 14) and Unity 6 (URP16)

Unity 2021 (URP 12) users will need to install the 2021 packages in each shader folder for compatibility.


Assets I create are continously added to this bundle. This bundle is made for people who wants the biggest discount for my assets.

Asset Store Package Content (sorted by free, exclusive to bundle, and standalone):

  1. (-Free-) 📦SharedAssetsURP
  2. (-Free-) CelShaderFauxLightingURP
  3. (-Free-) CelShaderFauxLightingHDRP
  4. (-Free-) AddOn - Cel Shader Metals - (Web Demo)
  5. (-Free-) AddOn - Cel Shader Glass - (Web Demo)
  6. (-Free-) 👕Clothing_SharedBackgrounds
  7. (Exclusive)🎁🎶 NekoLegendsSounds_NekoLuna
  8. (Exclusive)🎁📦NekoLegends_ExclusiveProps
  9. (Exclusive)🎁👕Clothing_CasualWinterSet
  10. (Exclusive)🎁👕Santa Costume for Morgana
  11. (Exclusive)🎁🔧Utilities_StylizedGrassPainter
  12. (Exclusive)🎁 🔧Utilities_ThirdPersonController
  13. (Exclusive)🎁 🐱Hanako
  14. (Exclusive)🎁 🎨NagisaAquaticArts
  15. (Exclusive)🎁 🎨HanakoFloralArts
  16. (Exclusive)🎁 🎨MorganaMysticArts
  17. (Exclusive)🎁 🎬NekoLegendsExclusive_Campfire
  18. (Exclusive)🎁 🎬NekoLegendsExclusive_RainStorm
  19. (Exclusive)🎁 🎬NekoLegendsExclusive_WinterJourney
  20. (Exclusive)🎁 🎬NekoLegendsExclusive_MidnightFlight
  21. (Exclusive)🎁🎬 NekoLegends_ExclusiveScenes_ShadowArchitect_v1.0.0 - (Web Demo)
  22. (Exclusive)🎁🎮 NekoLegendsMiniGames_PumpkinMischief - (Web Demo)
  23. (Exclusive)🎁🎮 NekoLegendsMiniGames_MidnightFlightXmas- (Web Demo) Unity Winter Showcase 2024 3rd Place Winner
  24. GalaxyShaderHDRP
  25. HologramShaderHDRP
  26. WaterfallStylizedShaderHDRP
  27. WaterMagicHDRP
  28. DistortionShaderHDRP
  29. CelShader - (Web Demo)
  30. GalaxyShaderURP - (Web Demo)
  31. HologramShaderURP - (Web Demo)
  32. WaterfallStylizedShaderURP - (Web Demo)
  33. DistortionShaderURP - (Web Demo)
  34. WaterMagicURP - (Web Demo)
  35. SpellCirclesURP - (Web Demo)
  36. FurHairAndFiberShaderURP (No web support)
  37. 🔧Utilities_LookAt - (Web Demo)
  38. 🔧Utilities_HairPhysics - (Web Demo)
  39. 🔧Wobble FX - (Web Demo)
  40. 🐱Mew - (Web Demo)
  41. 🐱Nagisa - (Web Demo)
  42. 🐱Morgana - (Web Demo)
  43. 🧍Kiyomi - (Web Demo)
  44. 🍎Food - Sushi - (Web Demo)
  45. 🗡️Weapons - Katana - (Web Demo)
  46. 🐱Neko In A Box - (Web Demo)
  47. 🍎Food - Fruits - (Web Demo)
  48. 🌼Props - Potted Plants - (Web Demo)
  49. 🍎Food Breads and Pastries - (Web Demo)
  50. 🧍Serena - Maid - (Web Demo)
  51. 🍎Food - Cakes - (Web Demo)
  52. Algorithmic Art Shader - (Web Demo)
  53. 🗡️Weapons - Daggers and Short Swords - (Web Demo)
  54. 2D Foliage Shader - (Web Demo)
  55. Gems And Crystals Shader - (Web Demo)
  56. 🧍Leo, Young Adult - (Web Demo)
  57. Anime Clouds Shader (No web support)
  58. more to come...


Note: Errors upon importing assets is a result of not first installing the free SharedAssetsURP dependency(Included) or using the wrong rendering pipeline.

Key Summary Information About This Bundle Package:

  • Everything for one fixed price 📈
    • Every new addition enhances the bundle's value. Price may or may not increase in the future.
  • Exclusive Items 🎁
    • There will occasionally be exclusive items (at no additional cost) not available anywhere else other than this bundle.
  • Mini Game Templates 🎮
    • My Mini Game Templates integrate a variety of assets in this bundle to help new Unity users understand how to utilize them in their own projects. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your skills, these templates provide practical examples and guidance to bring your game ideas to life!

Check out my Music Bundle to get the complete experience!

Technical details


  • By default the rendering pipeline is URP16 and most works Unity 6.
  • SRP rendering is not supported but the 3D models can be used with any renderer of your choice.

Unity 2021 options are available for most shaders.

Dependencies: Errors upon importing assets is a result of not first installing the free Shared Assets Demo dependency(Included). Some 3D assets require Dynamic Bone or MagicaCloth2 to look like what is shown on demo videos.

AI 기반 제작

Some backgrounds for demo scenes and shader textures

All 3D & VFX Bundle

(평가가 충분하지 않습니다)
31 users have favourite this asset
Updated price and taxes/VAT calculated at checkout
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
파일 크기
2.7 GB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2025년 3월 13일
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