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EasyPaint: Pro is an upgraded version of EasyPaint: Prefabs. It is a prefabs brush which can help you to design your levels faster.

This editor extension is a prefabs brush, which allows you to add props to your scene faster. Simply drag and drop your prefab, choose the desired settings, such as scale, rotation, offset, parent, other, and start filling your scene with assets.

This brush includes many features, such as customizing rotation, scale, offset, parent, number of objects to spawn, area to be spawned across and more!

This version comes with an upgraded design, new features, such as brush presets, random offset, resizable window and more!

Still not sure? Why don't you try the EasyPaint: Prefabs version first and then you can upgrade to Pro for just $2!

I hope you will enjoy this utility!

EasyPaint: Pro

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2017년 8월 28일
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