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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

3D Radar System - v1.0 is a customizable radar solution for games. Works with Unity Free.


Various detection area shapes. You can use a sphere to detect all targets around you or a cone shape to detect a smaller area in front of you. Any shape is possible.

Low draw call. All objects use only a single material.

Can be used as a stationary system such as being left at (0,0,0) or below terrain. Or can be used in a floating point origin setup where the system will be moved with the player to prevent floating point errors.

Can be used with AllTheTags! asset.

Scripts are in C#.

3D perspective or top down traditional style.

Targets can be added based on range from player and whether or not they're "signature" is high/low enough to be detected.

Line Of Sight system so targets can hide behind other targets and avoid radar detection.

Can choose to record target velocity and distance from player on per tag basis. If you don't need it don't use it and you won't waste any processing power.

Sound FX for radar sweep and blips.

Radar Sweep with intermittant blip updates with blip fading over time. Just like the classic sonars from sub games. Or constant always-on mode. Updates per second are user adjustable. Slow them down for mobile games or speed it up for desktop.

Sweep effects are adjustable. Make your own style.

Cycle targets, target nearest object, target nearest enemy .ect

Adjustable scale. Suits any style scene.

Blips will always stay on the radar no matter how the system is scaled. Never have blips move "off" the radar like with other systems.

Heavily commented code.

All inspector variables have tool tips.

Blips can be 3D objects, you are not limited to particles or sprites. However, if you prefer a simulated sprite/particle system, you can use a textured quad and set the blip to "always face camera".

Pooling system. User adjustable pre-made blips to prevent using instantiate at run time. Can also instantiate and add to pool at run time should extra be needed.

Blips can have effects like animations.

Demo scene included (radar components only - space ships, stars, planets .ect not included).

Demo 1
Demo 2

3D Radar

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최신 릴리스 날짜
2015년 9월 21일
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