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This is a unique sound library in the sense that we recreated the most iconic retro videogame sounds of the 70s and 80s using top-of-the-line analog modular synthesizers.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

This is a unique sound library in the sense that we recreated the most iconic retro videogame sounds of the 70s and 80s using top-of-the-line analog modular synthesizers.

Not only does this library capture the sound of retro video games, but it does it with a contemporary spirit due to the high-end analog audio equipment used in the production.

As a bonus, this library includes all the sounds in three additional editions, each processed to emulate a different videogame hardware speaker system from the vintage gaming era.

Apart from the original edition, the three extra editions emulate the sound through:

  • A famous handheld console.
  • A popular gaming (at the time) desktop computer.
  • The first-ever video game console that used ROM cartridges.

The sounds of this library are organized into 14 categories: Alarms, Appear, Death, Destruction, Energy, Hit, Jump, Magic, Pick Up, Power Up, Step, User Interface, Vehicles, and Weapons.

That doesn't mean that the sounds contained in one category cannot be used for other categories or even types of events that are not included in the organization of this library.

Many sounds of the era were used for different events in different games, giving those games their unique style. Also, you can mix and match sounds between the different emulation editions to achieve the retro aesthetic your project needs.

This is one of our most popular sound libraries, preferred by creators worldwide for over 12 years. This library’s supreme vintage sound and high fidelity are what our users love.

Apart from using this library for vintage video games, the nature of those sounds makes them perfect for other uses, such as user interface sounds, alerts, or layered together with other sounds to create sci-fi and futuristic sounds for robotics, weapon systems, or electronic equipment.

Music producers and composers can also use this library to add the retro feeling of the 70s and 80s into their music. Use the sounds of this library with samplers or drum machines to create new instruments, or layer them on top of other instruments to create unique new sounds.


vintage, retro, arcade, platform, shoot ‘em up, casual, user interface, glitch, pinball, hyper-casual


alarm, appear, death, destruction, energy, hit, jump, magic, pick up, power up, step, user interface, vehicle, weapons, zap, downward, explosion, bounce, whoosh, blast, repel, transform, bleep, boost, bouncy, rocket, spaceship, projectile, laser, plasma


In total, this package contains 2592 files (648 unique sounds with three extra retro hardware emulated editions each).

All files are delivered in pristine (PCM) compressed FLAC files at 48 kHz / 24-bit resolution.

FLAC is supported in Unity v2020.1.0 or later. Still, users of older versions of Unity can download the sounds, easily convert them to WAV or OGG files, and use them with any version of Unity or any other authoring application.


  • Mono


  • Professional Grade - Low Cost: Low cost is almost automatically associated with low quality and less value; however, this is an unfair correlation. We constantly use critical thinking to reduce the cost of production while maintaining, or even increasing, the quality we deliver. Our quality-driven culture results in professional-grade sound libraries with 10x or 20x lower prices than any high-quality competitor.
  • PureSource™​: PureSource™​ is our proprietary ingestion workflow based on sound restoration, forensic audio, and reverse engineering techniques. The result is audio assets without any on-location reverb, equipment artifacts, and Doppler effect. They spatialize great around the audience and sound real with virtual acoustics and reverb processors.
  • Refined Content​: Optimized trimming, seamless looping, and detailed fading. All these, result in oneshots that perfectly sync with visuals or user actions, and loops that cycle seamlessly. No glitches or awkward audio-to-visual sync issues; our audio content performs great across any playback scenario.
  • AuthorNorm™​: AuthorNorm™ is a proprietary perceived loudness normalization protocol, and it’s the perfect way to normalize audio assets for fast ingestion and easy mixing in game engines, video editors, digital audio workstations, virtual music instruments and samplers, and any other authoring application.
  • HDR Audio: Our end-to-end high dynamic range pipeline yields crystal clear sound with more detail, punchier attacks, and smoother fades. What you get is content that feels great and cuts through the mix.​


Check out the contents and organization of this sound library in the library’s File List.

We take extra care to make it easy to find the sounds you need and intuitively browse the contents. Depending on the theme and content, we use various ways to organize the content. Different content categories and channel formats are organized in folders. Useful content properties are included in the filenames (i.e., Loop, Complex, Diffused, DoplerInversed, etc.). Different types of the same phenomenon are denoted with capital letters, and same-type variations are enumerated with two-digit incremental numbers.


Metadata Excel File

Apart from the embedded metadata in each sound file, we also provide rich (UCS-compliant) metadata in an Excel file, which you can use to import information into your pipeline. This Excel is made according to the new UCS standard, which offers a framework for consistently categorizing audio content using a universal classification system many vendors have already adopted.




Customer Support

Thank you for choosing a SoundFellas sound library for your creations!

Technical details


In total, this package contains 2592 files (648 unique sounds with three extra retro hardware emulated editions each).

All files are delivered in pristine (PCM) compressed FLAC files at 48 kHz / 24-bit resolution.

FLAC is supported in Unity v2020.1.0 or later. Still, users of older versions of Unity can download the sounds, easily convert them to WAV or OGG files, and use them with any version of Unity or any other authoring application.


  • Mono

Retro Videogames Synthesized

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205.6 MB
최신 버전
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2023년 5월 19일
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