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A massive pack of high-quality, professionally-produced robotic creature sounds for your game!

Get a complete arsenal of unique and original sci-fi robotic creature sound effects. All sounds in the Robotic Creatures Sound FX pack are drag-and-drop ready for your project. Every audio file is easily searchable as they were meticulously organized into categories to make it easy to find the perfect sound for your project.

Discover a wide range of sounds perfect for robotic, sci-fi, and mechanical creatures such as roars, growls, calls, and vocalizations.

Acquire sounds for all your futuristic creature needs including footsteps, scanners, alarms, processing effects, and power on/off among many others. Professionally recorded and designed, these sounds are a must-have to bring your game that polish you are looking for.


  • 1200 sound effects that you can import directly into your project
  • Roars, growls, footsteps, calls, vocalizations, and technology sounds for each creature
  • Multiple variations
  • Over 1GB of HQ audio content
  • Super HQ audio recorded and designed at 192k 32bit and delivered at 96k 24bit
  • Easily and quickly find sounds with richly embedded metadata (Soundminer, Basehead, Soundly, and BWF)

Included in this pack:

Bonus Content (334 files total)

  • Bird Creature (10 files)
  • Designed Roars (205 files)
  • Designed Roars Var (9 files)
  • Granular Creature (40 files)
  • Misc Growls (32 files)
  • Spectral Creature (38 files)

Creatures 1-5 (716 files total)

  • Creature 1 (133 files)
  • Creature 2 (102 files)
  • Creature 3 (150 files)
  • Creature 4 (144 files)
  • Creature 5 (187 files)

Mechanical Footsteps (32 files total)

Power OnOff (28 files total)

Technology (92 files total)

Find the complete asset list HERE

Technical details

Total Audio Files: 1202

Total Wav: 1202

Total Minutes of Audio: 00 hours 35 minutes 56 seconds

Format: 96k kHz & 24 bit

Does the audio Loop? NO

Number of Sound FX: 1202

Target Platform: All

Documentation Included: Asset list only (see link above)

Important/Additional Notes: No

Additional: Stereo format

Robotic Creatures Sound FX

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라이선스: Single Entity
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대기업이나 여러 사용자가 공용으로 사용시에 적합.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
파일 크기
5.2 GB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2023년 6월 7일
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