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A collection of spooky, gnarly, gritty and screeching loops. A variety of sounds in it for underscore, rhythmic suspense, building tension or to convey fear and anxiety.

Product Overview

Cinematic Horror Storeroom - Volume 2 is a collection of spooky, gnarly, gritty and screeching loops. There is a variety of sounds in it, all scary! It’s great for underscore, rhythmic suspense, building tension or to convey fear and anxiety.

The library’s interface is made up of three sections:

  • Loop slicer
  • Sample
  • Reverb

The Reverb section

Ah reverbs! The Holy Grail of spooky sounds. Here You have 10 custom IRs for the reverb and two controls:

  • Level: how much reverb do you need? You’ve got a lot of it! - Size: how big is your room?

Also for this section you have a drop down menu that lets you choose between the 10 custom made IRs. Please note that the parameters for the reverb are global, so the same reverb will be applied to every loop in the instrument.

The Sample section

This section has two controls and they are as follows:

  • Release: lets you control the release time for the loop, so you can have a nice fade out when the loops stop playing
  • Pitch: controls the overall pitch for the currently playing loop.

Also these parameters are loop specific, so they are “remembered” by the single loop. Please remember to save your settings before closing Kontakt and/or your DAW. Also, you can create a Snapshot to save your work and recall it in another project and/or DAW session.

Technical details

11 Instruments:

  • Evil Machinery 30 loops
  • Evil's Furnace 30 loops
  • Goblin's Cave 15 loops
  • Grandma's Dining Room 61 loops
  • Hell's Basement 26 loops
  • Obsession Whisperer 28 loops
  • Rhythmic Damnation 1 30 loops
  • Rhythmic Damnation 2 30 loops
  • Soul Eater 30 loops
  • Styx's Shore 30 loops
  • Terror Chaser 35 loops

More info:

  • 345 single loops
  • Reverb effect onboard
  • 10 custom made IRs for the reverb
  • Sample format: 48KHz, 24 bit, NCW, Stereo
  • Total dimension: 1.39 GB uncompressed, 1.05 GB compressed
  • Requires Kontakt 5.8.1 or above (FULL VERSION)
  • Version 1.0 (June 2021)

Cinematic Horror Storeroom Volume 2

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2023년 1월 6일
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