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Dynamic Music Collection for Variations on Town Themes, Jazz, BigBand, Ethnic, Shop, Beach, Nostalgia, Royals & Divinity of Action RPGs - 378 loops, over 18 hours of music, almost 20GB

The Titan Twins - Dynamic Leitmotiv Collection 2 holds a total of 378 dynamic video game music loops - 31 starting points, 347 variations + 7 stems - with 1min 4sec each, which amounts to over 18 hours of interactive music without counting sub-loops.

The pack aims to serve as a primer to dynamic music and lets you explore its capabilities by providing 378 dynamic music loops for your game’s Town Theme needs. It includes variations on Guitars, Pianos, Jazz Ensembles, Big Band, Asian and African instruments, a shopkeeper, a Beach Bar, Nostalgic Music Boxes, Royals and tracks for Divine Celebration. All the loops can be used to transition seamlessly from one to the next, no matter which one you chose. They are kept in the same tempo and key with the same musical material.

This pack is a smaller part of an effort to combine every sort of dynamic music and leitmotivs I could think of to help out especially the indie game dev scene with a musical toolbox that covers a whole range of applications with almost endless variation possibility. In total, the full pack amounts to over 70 hours of music with suggested starting points to get you started and move faster.

Important note: This pack is a cheaper, sized down version that includes dynamic music tracks for Town Themes with variations on different (traditional) instruments, Jazz, Big Band, Beach Bars, a Peculiar Shop, Nostalgic Flashbacks, The Royals & Divine Celebrations . You can find the full pack under my assets labeled as Titan Twins - Complete Dynamic Leitmotiv Pack.

Full pack here:


Technical details

Due to Asset Store file size limitations, you will receive multiple more asset listings as free downloads after purchasing this!

  • all WAV files, 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo
  • all seamless loops
  • 378 dynamic loops
  • over 18 hours of seamless loopsi

Titan Twins Pack Collection 2 Pt2 - Titan Town Jazz Variations Pt1

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