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Pt7 of Complete Dynamic Leitmotiv. From idyllic town, to festivals, tournaments to chill beach, exploration to fierce boss or any in between - over 70 hours/650 seamless dynamic loops, almost 30GB.

Part 2 of the Titan Twins - Complete Dynamic Leitmotiv. Due to Asset Store file size limitations, this will become a free upgrade after purchase of any part of the full pack!

The Titan Twins - Complete Dynamic Leitmotiv pack allows you to transition from idyllic town themes, to festival feelings, from playful tournaments back to chill vibes at the beach, from dramatic exploration to fierce boss battles and anything in between - all can be seamlessly faded from one into the other. Use-cases are many, but what I had in mind was either directly used as dynamic music to transition, while going through different sub-areas of one giant area or to be used as motivic callbacks used all over your world, as has been done with Leitmotivs throughout video game history as well as being a very prominent feature of film scoring.

The Titan Twins - Complete Dynamic Leitmotiv consists of over 70 hours of music through over 650 seamless dynamic music loops including almost 80 suggested starting points and over 550 variations to get you started and move faster.

This pack contains all the variations one can think of packed into a neat package, so you don’t have to go hunt for single files and tediously build those variations yourself. They are ready to go as full loops, so you just have to import them into your game audio engine and fade from one file into the other file instead of building complex systems of finding the percussion track, automating the fadeout of that track, then finding the right brass and fading that in again, while looking for the vocals to fade in as well.

While other packs give you parts of the song for you to assemble yourself, this pack aims to streamline the process by providing all variations you can dream of with each tracks, from combinations of 2 melodies that can be used on their own or together, sometimes with or without certain other elements that were deemed relevant to always include. What if one of the players at the restaurant jazz band needs to use the restroom for a bit? He can’t be forced to continue playing can he? That’d be torture and that is usually illegal. Although maybe not in the world you’ve created. Denying potty breaks, such is the evil queen. Hail to the queen. Long live the queen.

If you are not intending to use the method above of using motivic callbacks in different points of the story or world, you can also just use all the Town Themes (41-49) as well as the Ethnic and special ones (51-58) all as parts of one big town with different parts playing African inspired versions another more Eastern sounding, etc.

Technical details

Collection of multiple packs, will have more packs as additional downloads to it as a result of the Asset Store file size limitations. Part 7/7

  • all WAV files, 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo
  • all seamless loops
  • over 650 dynamic loops
  • over 70 hours of seamless loops

Titan Twins Complete Part 7 - Titan Transit

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