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This collection of 30 medieval tavern music will take your project to a different level. It has all the elements that will give a medieval setting to your game.

Music will fit the setting of mountains, parks, riversides, villages, towns etc. Medieval specific intruments are used to give it a mellow heartwarming tone.

I composed and produced these medieval tavern music tracks specifically to be used in games. It can be used in an event of revenge, event of an escape, event of cutscenes or just as a background element.

Tracks are suited to every aspect of your game development process. Be it the promotion phase, game trailer, game background music, cutscenes etc

Track List

  1. Eye & the hook tavern
  2. Viggo Eburnus tavern
  3. Aristaeaus Barbatus
  4. zacchaeus torquatus
  5. Demetra Russus
  6. Maximilan corvus
  7. Homecoming of Earl
  8. King of Kerr
  9. Fritjof
  10. Annveig
  11. Gunvor
  12. Bella Vergilianus
  13. Artorius Sabinus
  14. Chlotharius Strabo
  15. Odoacer Crassinus
  16. Januarius Uritinus
  17. Wassa Colee
  18. Bernia Harrelle
  19. Easton Waltone
  20. Twyla willise
  21. Piper Baine
  22. Amund
  23. Hulda
  24. Somerled
  25. Osmond
  26. Jorunn
  27. The carpenter tavern
  28. The round cutler
  29. Amorous mill inn
  30. The cartographer arms

Technical details

Audio file types: .WAV

Sample rate: 44100

Bit depth: 16

Loopable: No

Additional: Stereo

Medieval Fantasy Tavern Music

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723.6 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2022년 4월 29일
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