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This pack contains loopable and clean versions of a guitar lofi chillhop music with a cool confident and tranquil vibe

ChillStreet is a piece of lofi that I composed to get a vibe of relaxation, wellness, tranquility, and a cool vibe.

It's made with pure organic instruments to give it a more natural feel, it was made with guitar, bass, piano and a drum set.

As I mentioned before, the "lo fi" part serves to indicate that the music has been given an old-fashioned feel on purpose, or called low fidelity.

This pack contains a clean version of the entire theme from start to finish, as well as a loopable version that is perfect for

be used in game scenarios

I have also included a demo with my producer tag, this additional sound will not be present in the music once you purchase the pack

the music has been mixed and mastered to ensure the best possible playback quality on any device,

televisions, laptops, smartphones, headphones or professional listening systems

Without more to add, I invite you to listen to the song, and I hope it will be useful in your video games. Cheers


1) ChillStreetRinoTirri_CleanVersion - 04:06 - clean version

2) ChillStreet_RinoTirri_Loop - 04:03 - Loopable version

3) ChillStreet_RinoTirri_Demo - 01:03 - (incomplete version, tagged , demo)

Technical details

Audio file types: Wav

Sample rate: 44100

Bit depth: 16

Loopable: Yes, 1loopable track 1 clean

Additional: Stereo or mono?

Lofi Chillhop Guitar Music - Chill Street

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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File size
88.3 MB
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Latest release date
Aug 23, 2022
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