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JRPG MOODS by Voltz Supreme is an epic soundtrack consisting of 15 seamlessly looping compositions ready to drop into your adventure game. You'll create moments of peace, mystery, horror, suspense, drama and more while adding extra dimensions to futuristic cities, icy caves, dungeons, dark rooms, vast landscapes, dream lands and other creative locations.
Inspired by classic anime and jrps, JRPG MOODS was produced using vintage and modern analog synthesizers in order to blend elements of reality with fantasy and science fiction.

Included in this package are complete song variations ready to drop into your project as well as individual stems and ambient sound fx for developers who enjoy more creative control.

41 files, 770Mb, 44.1 kHz 16bit WAV

01. OPENING THEME 02:10 [1x variation, 2x stems]

02. COVE OF SAND & SNOW 02:16 [3x variations, 3x stems]

03. QUIRKY DUNGEONS 01:23 [1x variation]

04. FOLLOW ME 01:00 [1x variation, 2x stems]

05. EERIE SILENCE 01:00 [1x variation]

06. DREAMING 01:50 [3x variations, 4x stems]

07. QUIETLY SERIOUS 01:29 [1x variation]

08. QUIETLY SINISTER 01:29 [1x variation]

09. HORROR THEME 01:43 [1x variation, 3x stems]

10. THE DOCKS 02:00 [3x variations, 6x stems]

11. SERIOUS THEME 00:52 [1x variation]

12. GOODMORNING 01:42 [1x variation]

13. COVERED IN SNOW 02:44 [1x variation]

14. CAVES AND FORESTS 02:16 [1x variation]

15. METROPOLIS JUNGLE 02:17 [1x variation]

SFX include variations of ocean with seagull sounds and children playing. https://soundcloud.com/voltzsupreme/sets/jrpg-moods

JRPG MOODS - Cyberpunk Fantasy Music

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