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The sound of a spiral that attracts you towards madness.

This flexible package will allow you to dynamically develop a terrifying environment for your game. The package contains:

1. Tail format: it is the audio with a tail at the end (2 bars long), ideal if you want to use it in some middleware like Fmod or Wwise and loop from the final bar to the beginning while the tail continues playing and generating a seamlessly loop or as a transition to another audio, horizontal constructions, silence, etc.

2. Loop Format: the most common for its implementation. Loops seamlessly. Remember to set a fadeout or a crossfade to another audio.

3. The masters mixed and ready for implementation.

4. Stems of each individual instrument, to make variations to your liking or vertical constructions. Do you want to use only one instrument? No problem! You can add the others as different events unfold and generate more dynamism.

5. 4 stress levels: all of the above exist at 4 stress levels. Each level increases the sound stress to put the player in increasing tension. They share the same tempo so you can switch from one to the other seamlessly.

Remember to listen to the examples and to check my other packs.

Happy gaming!

Do you need a musical production for your project? Contact me at: moisesgomezaraya@gmail.com

Technical details

- Audio file types: Wav

- Sample rate: 44.1 khz

- Bit depth: 24bit

- Loopable: Yes

- Tempo: 98bpm

- Spatial: Stereo

- # of File: 32

- Loudness: -18 LUFS (for Master)

- Loop Length Level 1, 2, 3 & 4: 0'39''/16 bars

- Total Length (all audio sum): 22'12''

Hypnosis - Horror/Terror Music

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