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Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

The example scenes provided are use the Universal Rendering Pipeline (URP) for rendering. The code itself is not dependent on specific URP libraries, except for entities (not included with the free version). The project includes URP global settings assets, which you can use to achieve the same visual style as shown in the example images.


Geometric vision targeting system 3 free offers basic customizable game object based targeting. Add this component to a game object and set your parameters to start targeting. This easy add component based setup makes the system compatible with any kind of game object based character system. Its easy to use and do not require other work than adding the system component and configuring its settings.

Unlike the full version, the free version does not have all the features like entities support, targeting extensions and edge targeting, but it is perfect, if you want to test around or only need the game object based targeting features.


In games, targeting systems are used on things like object targeting, enemy targeting/locking, aim assist, homing missiles, object snapping, turrets, click enhancers and even virtual reality headsets gaze detection. Depending on a genre, almost every good game has some kind of good targeting system in it.


Try online demo (webgl and full version).

Proof of quality.

Online scripting api documentation.

Full list of features:

-Intelligently create and combine target search queries.

-Many simultaneous targeting systems

-Create Targeting effects, sounds and indicators

-Obstacle based target filtering (culling).

-Full source code

Base version works on both Unity 2020 LTS and 2021 latest. Base version also works and can be tested on the web. Step by step installation instructions in the offline manual and video.

The following packages are tested, but new packages have been used during the development, so its also compatible with newer packages.

-Burst. Version Version 1.6.4 - January 11, 2022

-Editor Coroutines 1.0.0

-Jobs. Version Version 0.8.0-preview.23 – January 22, 2021

-Mathematics Version 1.2.5 - November 08, 2021

-Collections. Version 0.15.0-preview.21 – January 22, 2021

Have questions?

Join discord server: https://discord.gg/QtHTQ4J

Or visit website.

-Asset uses some Unity starter assets like thirdperson controller and avatar in the demo scene under Unity Companion License. See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.

-Asset uses some modified code from UniRx under MIT License. See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details. These assets are included inside plugins sub-folders and do not require extra work.

Technical details

-View directional targeting with blendable distance

-Create and combine target search queries

-Targeting actions templates and logic to execute them

-Obstacle based target filtering (culling)

-Customizable targeting logic

-Full source code + documentation

-3rd person controller that uses the targeting system

-Multithreaded and burst compiled targeting

AI 기반 제작

I used several ai technologies to provide abstract textures, code suggestions/improvements, images for logo design and to improve text. To speed up development in general.

Targeting System 3 free

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