11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
10 万人を超えるフォーラムメンバーが支持
すべてのアセットを Unity が審査済み
X-72 "Vengeance"
The X-72 is a military grade fighter craft, capable of flying within an atmosphere all the way up to the edges of space.
Powered by a small fission reactor and propelled by next-gen hydrogen thrusters, the X-72 is considered an experimental design. The aircraft is fitted with unique equipment, such as its dual large rotating turrets capable of firing high caliber projectiles, the X-72 is able to wreak havoc at anything it encounters. Fitted with large canards and forwarding arching wings, the aircraft is capable of impressive aerodynamic flight. Able to fly temporally within the vacuum of space thanks to its advanced engines, the X-72 is considered a space plane.
Only a very few X-72s have been produced due to the insufficient testing of it's hydrogen thrusters.
The asset contains separate aerodynamic surfaces such as, canards, ailerons and rudders. All of which are ready to be animated. The asset was textured within Substance Painter and follows a PBR workflow.
The asset containes three texture sets all of which include albedo, metallic, normal, and ao maps.
Poly count: 19,233
Tris count: 37,894
X-72 "Vengeance"