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You can make a puzzle using the digital lock with the correct password, the paint will move and reveal the safe box which you will open with the correct combination of the safe box lock.

This package contain:

  • Paint / picture with his frame
  • Safe box with a inner separation
  • Digital lock 
  • Safe box lock
  • 4 type of handles

All of this have his correspond 4k textures (high) and 2k textures (low).

You can use any picture on the paint, just change the original texture. Also, you can use the asset separately, that is why this package contain all the object separately and one prefab all together. 

(The animation isn't included, it's just a demonstration of the asset)

Technical details


Polygon count of the entire asset: 8397

Texture sizes: 4K

Number of meshes/prefabs: 10 (9 of each part of the asset, and 1 of all the asset together)

Polygon count of the paint: 1092 (Paint, wheels and rail)

Polygon count of safe box: 388

Polygon count of digital lock: 1047

Polygon count of safe box lock: 1220

Polygon count of handle 1: 731

Polygon count of handle 2: 1464

Polygon count of handle 3: 1984

Polygon count of handle 4: 471



Polygon count of the entire asset: 2691

Texture sizes: 2K

Number of meshes/prefabs: 10 (9 of each part of the asset, and 1 of all the asset together)

Polygon count of the paint: 644 (Paint, wheels and rail)

Polygon count of safe box: 220

Polygon count of digital lock: 707 (This one have extra textures of the numbers for use them)

Polygon count of safe box lock: 276

Polygon count of handle 1: 356

Polygon count of handle 2: 211

Polygon count of handle 3: 216

Polygon count of handle 4: 61

Safe Box + Paint + Padlock + 4 Handle + Lock + Rail - For Unity .FBX 3D Model.-

(평가가 충분하지 않습니다)
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파일 크기
1.5 GB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2021년 3월 25일
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Safe Box + Paint + Padlock + 4 Handle + Lock + Rail - For Unity .FBX 3D Model.-