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Metallic Coins Pack01 contains 4 beautiful coins designed to be used as collectible items or as decoration. Perfect for prototyping, each one has 9 prefabs, a base mesh and a full set of textures.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible

In the world of videogames coins are arguably the number 1 collectible item, ever since a beloved italian plumber started his adventures over 30 years ago. That's why here we present to you our Coin Packs.

The models can de used in any type of game and they work especially well in genres such as Platformers, RPG's or Adventure Games where collectibles are the norm, and you don't want to waste your time creating assets, particularly in the prototyping stages.

Every coin comes with a base tri-mesh (FBX) and a full set of 4K PNG textures (4096px * 4096px) for you to create and/or change and refine the PBR materials as you see fit.

The texture sets for each coin in this pack include:

- 9 Base Color maps.

- 2 Normal maps.

- 1 Metallic map.

- 1 Roughness map.

- 1 Height map.

- 2 Displacement maps.

- 2 Ambien Occlusion maps.

- 2 Packed ARM (AO, Roughness, Metallic) maps.

There are also 9 prefabs for every coin that have a Rigidbody and corresponding Colliders (36 prefabs in total); and 9 different PBR materials shaded with "Autodesk Interactive Shader" for each model that you can choose.

Every coin was fashioned using real-life coin measurements and scaled up a bit to make sense in the world of videogames, but can be scaled up or down as needed.

- Diameter: 24,25 cm. (9,54 in.)

- Thickness: 2,38 cm. (0,937 in.)

Poly-count is:

- Coin01.- polygons: 1.472 - vertices: 736

- Coin02.- polygons: 3.516 - vertices: 1.760

- Coin03.- polygons: 1.788 - vertices: 896

- Coin04.- polygons: 2.748 - vertices: 1.376

- TOTAL.- polygons: 9.524 - vertices: 4.768

All models have been UV unwrapped (non-overlapping) and do NOT have any type of animation or rigging.

They can be resized, scaled up or down to fit every need.

The "Base Color" textures can easily be swaped for one another to create up to 9 different variations of each coin; virtually giving you access to 36 different items for the price of 4.

Feel free to also check out our Metallic Coin Free Trial or our Cartoon Coin Free Trial as well as our other Metallic Coin Packs or Cartoon Coin Packs.

Thank you very much for choosing our product, we hope it will be very useful to you.


Technical details

Every coin comes with a base tri-mesh (FBX) and a full set of 4K PNG textures (4096px * 4096px) for you to create and/or change and refine the PBR materials as you see fit.

The texture sets for each coin in this pack include:

- 9 Base Color maps.

- 2 Normal maps.

- 1 Metallic map.

- 1 Roughness map.

- 1 Height map.

- 2 Displacement maps.

- 2 Ambien Occlusion maps.

- 2 Packed ARM (AO, Roughness, Metallic) maps.

There are also 9 prefabs for every coin that have a Rigidbody and corresponding Colliders (36 prefabs in total); and 9 different PBR materials shaded with "Autodesk Interactive Shader" for each model that you can choose.

Every coin was fashioned using real-life coin measurements and scaled up a bit to make sense in the world of videogames, but can be scaled up or down as needed.

- Diameter: 24,25 cm. (9,54 in.)

- Thickness: 2,38 cm. (0,937 in.)

Poly-count is:

- Coin01.- polygons: 1.472 - vertices: 736

- Coin02.- polygons: 3.516 - vertices: 1.760

- Coin03.- polygons: 1.788 - vertices: 896

- Coin04.- polygons: 2.748 - vertices: 1.376

- TOTAL.- polygons: 9.524 - vertices: 4.768

All models have been UV unwrapped (non-overlapping) and do NOT have any type of animation or rigging.

Metallic Coins Pack01

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267.8 MB
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2023년 1월 25일
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