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This pack includes 52 game model prefabs that are made of 30 unique meshes.
Also in the package you will find effects based on the particle system and scripts to manage them (coals color shade changes slightly after a while and light flickering from the furnace).
This pack (because of its style, polycount and textures) will be of interest primarily to RPG, MOBA, TD and RTS projects. But you can use it in other projects.
The following assets are fully included in the pack:
Fantasy Shields And Weapons Volume 1
Fantasy Shields And Weapons Volume 2
Fantasy Shields And Weapons Volume 3

Some meshes are made of mirrored parts and texture are overlapped. Also some meshes are used repeatedly to assemble some prefabs.
All the prefabs contain two levels of details: LOD0 and LOD1. LOD1 has roughly 40-50% fewer polygons than LOD0. And usually the resolution of all LOD1-maps is the same as LOD0-maps, but reduced in Unity settings.
Texture maps set: albedo, metallic/smoothness, normal, occlusion.

prefabs: 52
unique meshes: 30
LOD: yes, 2 levels
collider: none
shader: standard metallic

- Anvil
- Grindstone
- Chopping Block
- Forge Bellows
- Forge Furnace
- Bucket
- Tongs
- Scrap
- Horseshoe
- Iron Ring
- Arabian Sword
- Hammers (X3)
- Halberds (X2)
- Long Sword
- Short Sword
- Demonic Shield
- Lion Shield
- Round Shields (X16)
- Varangian Shields (X10)
- Gold Bar
- Silver Bar
- Iron Bar
- Table
- Weapons Rack (X2)

Suggestions, comments, feedback are highly appreciated! Contact info:


Medieval Forge

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라이선스: Single Entity
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대기업이나 여러 사용자가 공용으로 사용시에 적합.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
파일 크기
184.7 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2018년 6월 13일
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