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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

67 buildings with full interiors. 18 unique building kits to build your own layouts. Runs very fast in HDRP, URP, & BUILTIN. Versatile art style for steampunk, cyberpunk, and Victorian kit-bashing.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

A large collection of performant game ready buildings with versatility across a wide range of genres. Use these awesome enterable buildings in your next steampunk, cyberpunk, victorian, urban, and/or industrial district scenes.

Overview Features of Included Building Kits:

  • 67 buildings premade with exterior and interior
  • 18 unique modular bulding kits for creating custom building layouts
  • These buildings are atlased and lightning fast, but they also still look good up close!
  • Exteriors AND Interiors for building shells/walls
  • An easy-to-use asset that also has depth; modular building parts of each kit are interchangeable allowing for massive amounts of variation in an open world city.
  • Massive demo scene showcasing sheer beauty and performance

Each of the 67 buildings include:

  1. An optimized combined version of the building with hand-crafted primitive colliders. (great for building large cities and scenes)
  2. A modular version to expand upon and create your own custom buildings
  3. Exterior AND Interior shells of each buildings. All buildings in this kit are enterable, this includes the combined and modular variations
  4. Vertices ranging from 8,000 to 45,000 vertices per building
  5. A single material atlas that is shared across all buildings (for extremely low batches and lightning fast performance)

Each of the 18 modular building kits include:

  1. A starter kit prefab for making complete buildings with exteriors and interiors
  2. A demo scene that contains the starter kit prefab and building examples
  3. Walls, windows, roof/floor, door frames, pillars, trimm etc that snap together your own custom building layouts
  4. Window/Walls include combined AND separated versions of the glass, frame, and window wall. For example if you need need to assign your own breakable scripts to the glass, animate the window opening etc. (No scripts are included. The models are just thoughfully built this way)

Prefabs and meshes Details

Starter kits with components for snapping together your own custom building layouts.

  • Combined Buildings - 67 prefabs/meshes
  • Modular Buildings - 67 parent prefabs
  • Kit 001 - 19 prefabs/meshes,
  • Kit 002 - 14 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 003 - 16 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 004 - 17 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 005 - 14 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 006 - 15 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 007 - 12 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 008 - 14 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 009 - 14 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 010 - 14 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 011 - 15 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 012 - 15 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 013 - 18 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 014 - 15 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 015 - 15 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 016 - 15 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 017 - 15 prefabs/meshes
  • Kit 018 - 15 prefabs/meshes


EXISTING CUSTOMERS (new upgrade path available)

This asset is also included with this the OWA City Core full city package. If you are looking for a thorough and comprehensive high quality 3D Environment Kit for building enourmous worlds. A discounted upgrade path to the full city package is now available.

Technical details

1 buildings atlas material (8192)

albedo, normal, height, occlusion texture atlases (8192)

1 glass material for windows

Vertices range: 100 - 45k (upper-end are combined buildings)

Standard shaders for each pipleline used to ensure maximum compatability

OWA Building Pack 01 - Open World Assets - HDRP/URP/BIRP

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파일 크기
835.5 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2024년 1월 30일
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OWA Building Pack 01 - Open World Assets - HDRP/URP/BIRP