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AAA Racetrack for desktop & console platforms.

Pack Details:

•Shaders - All the shader included in the project has been made with shadergraph.

•Base track - The base track is about 500,000 tris. It has been split into multiple sections and LOD - Grouped to save polycount on each frame

•Car - Main car has about 19,000 tris. It also comes with easy to customizable textures where you can add your own logos and names on the car.

•Props - Props are highly detailed, usually their poly averages at 1k. Every prop is Lod - grouped to keep the polycount low on far distance. They have also been atlased save draw calls. Props such as Extinguisher, T2_PitWalls, Trolleys, Tire_warmers, Generator, MarshallRoom, Pitstop Equipment, SpeedSigns, camhuts, Parking vehicles and track lights.

•Grandstands - Track has 5 grandstands, 1 main grandstands and a pit building. They are highly detailed. They share material and LOD - Grouped to save performance.

•Characters - This pack also offers Characters to add to the track. They have different shirts for each team, so you can add your own logos and text to each team. Characters have been rigged, they use generic rig and have about 6k tris. It has Crew, Marshalls, cameraman and driver, variations totalling at 30 characters. Characters also have props so you can make them unique, such as camera, caps, headphones and walkie talkie

•Garages - 1 unique garage and 4 texture variation garages. You can add your own logos and names on the garages. Polycount is above 26k tris, it has split into multiple objects and lod_Grouped to save performance.

•Textures - PBR Workflow, Highly detailed 2k textures and some 1k depending upon the type of material. Some textures have atlased based on their type and frequent usage to save draw calls (Best workflow).

•Colliders - This pack comes with a custom collider for the track. Instead of adding colliders for each and every prefab. It only adds to important stuff and with low poly. Some props that can interact with car have box colliders (Best workflow for racing games).

For more inquiries please contact me at Mudhham@gmail.com

DSRC - Track03 (HDRP)

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397.3 MB
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2024년 4월 15일
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