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This pack is a collection of 58 different stylized meshes. With this pack you can easily and quickly create beautiful scenes with great performance. All nature materials are simple in customization, which means that you can always add unique look just in a few clicks! DEMO SCENE included!

Optimized for:

- Built-In - Unity 2022.3.1+

- High-Definition RP - Unity 2022.3.1+ (included .unitypackage)

- Universal RP - Unity 2022.3.1+ (included .unitypackage)


- Nature (34 pcs)

- Ruins (24 pcs)

- FX (6 pcs)

Featured Stylized Assets:

- Stylized Dungeons

- Stylized Food 3D Pack

- Stylized Tropical Island with Ruins

- Stylized Graveyard with Church

- Stylized Grass and Plants

Shaders are created with Unity Shader Graph. If you use SRP, you need to add Shader Graph in Package Manager.

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Stylized Nature with Ruins

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