Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Every asset moderated by Unity
Unity Version | Built-in | URP | HDRP |
2021.3.33f1 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
This package was deployed using Built-In. Demo scene lighting may need to be adjusted for clarity if using HDRP. Materials can be updated by the Unity Editor in URP or HDRP (Edit > Rendering).
This asset has been tested, and works seamlessly, with Unity 6. Please ensure you backup your project and remove the old system before updating to the 2.0 version!
The Stylized Male Base Pack is part of the Modular Character series from Stellar Game Assets: A collection of eye-catching base characters and add-on packs, which can be customized to effortlessly create endless combinations. Whether you're looking for a ready-to-use setup or a foundation for deeper customization, the system adapts to your needs.
This package is a Base Pack, which means it comes with the feature-rich Modular System, including fully working demo scenes. When you're happy with your character configuration, save it as a prefab or a clothing set for quick-equipping later.
The System uses a slot-based process to allow you to mix and match parts, adjust body and face morphs, change materials, and more!
The Modular Character System:
- Completely plug and play! No coding necessary and the Update function is never used (not even in the demo scenes)
- 23 customizable slots for clothing, cosmetics, appendages, and attachments. Each slot is designed to handle Wearable items seamlessly.
- Full save & load system that works in both the editor and game builds
- Custom bones for hair & appendages, allowing for advanced rigging and animation
- Well-organized system with extensive documentation for easy setup and customization
- Public functions for equipping and removing items, changing materials, adjusting blendshapes, and much more!
- Third-party asset compatibility—integrates smoothly with other tools and assets
- High-quality characters, carefully designed for a polished final look
- Expandable customization: Purchase add-on packs for more clothing, hair, and cosmetic options or create and integrate your own custom assets!
- Easy for beginners and extendable for experienced coders. This is a super fun system to work with.
Modular Character: Stylized Male Base Pack