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Male and Female Shinobi characters for games
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

Update 10/02/2024:

- Package update to work with HDRP, URP and BiRD

- Reorganize package folder


Update 10/02/2024:

- Package update to work with HDRP, URP and BiRD

- Reorganize package folder

Character overview:

Shinobi, also known as "Ninja," are special warriors of Japan who existed during the Samurai era and have become famous in the history and culture of the country. With their agility, cunningness, and excellent self-defense abilities, Shinobi has become an icon of disguise, swiftness, and the use of secretive skills.

Shinobi were trained in military tactics and camouflage techniques to carry out espionage, reconnaissance, or assassination missions. They used special tools such as sharp weapons, hammers, claw-like devices, or shuriken for both offense and defense.

In addition to martial arts skills, Shinobi were equipped with knowledge of the art of disguise, infiltration, and even magic. They had the ability to move silently through the environment, infiltrate restricted areas, and even transform themselves into different characters to deceive the enemy.

The mystery and legends surrounding Shinobi have created a romanticized image of these warriors in Eastern and global cultures. Their dexterity, patience, and loyalty to their missions are distinctive qualities of Shinobi, making them an integral part of the martial arts world and the cultural heritage of Japan.


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How to use

  • Please learn more about different between Genesis 2 (G2: Characters) and non G2 characters before buying this package.
  • How to using Unity Face Capture on G2 Characters
  • The characters in the package utilize the Dawnshader_SG shaders created with Shader Graph in Unity. The package is set up in HDRP mode, if you wish to use them in URP or Built-in, you can switch the SRPs without changing the shaders, although you may need to readjust lighting and environment settings. Additionally, you may need to fine-tune the skin materials or other materials for optimal results. You may also need to install Shader Graph in Unity to modify the shader and follow the steps below:

Window -> Package Manager. Shader Graph

  • To avoid get error log "inputValue" so please following:

Window -> Package Manager. At the top left corner of that window you should change: Packages: In Project >>> Packages: Unity Registry. Search for Input System and install. Restart project >> Done

  • How to create more Prefabs by yourself
  • You should open Overview scene to find out features of character package
  • You can find Face Morphs/Blendshapes on Head Morphs in this package.
  • Feel free to learn more about characters and make a questions on my [My Discord]


All character body parts are modular so you can mix with my other Genesis 2 characters same gender but make sure you have scripts to mix characters, this package not included mixing character scripts.

For best result with physic you should use Dynamic Bone for chain.

This character has over 85 Blendshapes/Morphs for Unity Face Capture and some Basic Expressions, 02 hairstyle can use for both male and female characters

Technical details
  • Over 80 Blendshapes/Morphs for Unity Face Capture and some Basic Expressions
  • Rigged with same skeleton
  • Male and Female head same scale so you can share Hair/Hat
  • Blending/Mixing color/textures on Materials
  • Makeup Face/Hair/Eyes/Lips
  • Cloth and Jiggle physic setup ready

Number of textures: ~40

Texture dimensions: 2048 -4096

Polygon count of [Model Name]: 20k -50k

Minimum polygon count: 20k

Maximum polygon count: 50k

Number of meshes/prefabs: ~16

Rigging: Yes

Animation count: 0

Animation type list

UV mapping: Yes

LOD information (count, number of levels): No

Types of materials and texture maps (e.g., PBR): PBR

G2: Shinobi

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