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Get it at this price, all updates, modules are free!

Do you own my old FPS Character Animation Pack? Not to worry, I offer a HUGE discount to you, when you upgrade to this pack!

What Is This?

The Complete Animation Toolbox is an ever expanding collection of animations and complete modules. Modules are bundles of animations to suit a specific game genre. I have many modules / animations planned for future updates, which you get for free in updates! YOU HAVE A VOICE and I want to hear from you so Click here to submit Animation / Module requests. Tell me what you want to see in upcoming updates!

- Over 270 Animations (Many more to come)
- General Locomotion Module
- FPS / 3RD Person Shooter Module
- Transitions
- Root Motion
- Clean / Optimized Mecanim Skeleton
- 60 fps animation
- Avatar with weapon placement (template)

Current Modules:

- General Locomotion - This module, comes with Walking, Running, Jumping, Prone Crawl, Strafing e.t.c

- FPS / 3RD Person Shooter -This module, comes with Single Handed, Dual Handed, AKIMBO animation sets with Aimed & Not Aimed Versions.

You want more animations? What Module do you want next?

Click here to submit Animation / Module requests.

What's coming next?

- Additional animations & modules. See above link and put in your request today!

All modules will also receive additional updates and polish over the course of all future updates!

Do you need CUSTOM Art / Animation services?

Click here to check out what services I offer at indie prices! I will make it happen no matter your budget size!

The Complete Animation Toolbox

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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82.9 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2020년 6월 1일
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