평점 만점의 리뷰가 11,000개 이상
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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋
You want the finest 2D or 3D, Characters, models, animations, or Environment you are in the right place.
It's Mobstudios, we are a freelance organization, we are leading organizations in Game Production.
we design games, 3d & 2D Characters, Models, Environment, Animation, and other stuff.
ABOUT 2D Building Pack:
In this 2D Bulding Pack, we are offer 4 Buidlings for your awesome 2D game. These Props use in Top-down strategy toonish game.
These Buildings are Most Beautiful Buildings as you place them in the 2D game or any Top-Down strategy game.
1.It Include Rough Sketces of all models.
2.It has Shading consists of warm and cool colors.
3.It has line Art Around the border of 1 pixel Stroke.
4.It has supporting props around the buildings.
◼ ABOUT 2D buildings Pack◼
In this 2D building Pack. We offer you the best Buildings for your Top-Down strategy games. like:
-Upgradable Buildings.
-Toonish Style.
-Candy land City.
-Can use in 2D RPG games.
Buildings,2D buildings, 2D Building upgrades, 2D Building pack, lollipop, Candy Shop, Wrapped candy, baking shop, cake shop.
NOTE: For better understanding Watch the video that is display with Pictures
"In Case of any problem Free feel to E-mail us. we love to help you in that case"
2D Building Pack - Mob Studios