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Teaching Numbers With A Fun & Memorable Twist!
Whether you are a parent, a teacher or even both, you are certainly familiar with learning difficulties when it comes to your kids, particularly in regard to numbers.
There is however, the right approach for everything, including struggling learners; you just have to find the right angle. We truly do hope that our School Numbers for Kids Games will make your life so much easier and help you teach numbers in a fun, interesting and effective way.
The attention-catching, fun cartoon design of every single number is exactly what you need to make every lesson memorable and enjoyable while grabbing and maintaining everyone’s attention!
From basic counting all the way to 20, to simple addition and subtraction, you will find that when arts are fused into the learning method, teaching becomes so much more fun and rewarding.
After all, teaching basic number and math skills to our children is considered by many to be the foundation of a solid education.
With this amazing Numbers for children’s games asset, you can teach your students the numbers from 0 to 20 in the easiest and most fun way possible!
Cartoon numbers game is also an incredible tool for teaching the English numbers and new vocabulary at the same time!
The School Numbers for kids will make your lesson fun and effective.
The colorful and adorable cartoon designs will keep the kids engaged, entertained and motivated to learn!
The file includes:
- a full-color version of 21 cartoon numbers: From 0 to 20
- simple idle animation for all cartoon numbers (spriter resource)
- 26 cartoon numbers names
So Hurry Up And Get Yours Assets for Kids Games Now!
If you have any questions our support email is happyarteducation@gmail.com

Cartoon Numbers for Kids Games

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파일 크기
122.5 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2018년 11월 5일
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