11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット

8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価

10 万人を超えるフォーラムメンバーが支持

すべてのアセットを Unity が審査済み

A four-directional 2D comic character set with a huge variety in animations and actions including weapons and a themed tilemap with decoration available in five colour alternatives.
SRP との互換性
Unity のスクリプタブルレンダーパイプライン(SRP)は、C# スクリプトを使用してレンダリングを制御できる機能です。SRP は、ユニバーサルレンダーパイプライン(URP)と HD レンダーパイプライン(HDRP)を支えるテクノロジーです。
Unity のバージョンビルトインURPHDRP

This Package contains 6675 unique sprites (png). This is based on all animation frames per character times the five colour alternatives. Weapons, bombs, bullets and effects only count once in this calculation. Each colour alternative contains a copy of those which can be deleted as soon as you know which one you want to use.

Character Animations:

  • Idle (64 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Walk (42 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Run (30 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Jump (57 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Slide (33 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Crawl (57 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Duck (63 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Hit_A (39 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Hit_B (39 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Vanish (32 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Bomb_hold (84 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Bomb_throw (60 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Bomb_walk (80 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Bow (7 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Bow_walk (98 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Gun (4 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Gun_walk (56 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Rifle (4 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Rifle_walk (56 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Hammer_idle (5 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Hammer_attack (115 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Sword_idle (5 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Sword_attack (60 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Scythe_idle (5 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)
  • Scythe_attack (70 sprites, size: 360x300px, format: png)

Weapons, Bombs, Bullets & Effects:

  • Bow (6 sprites, 448x432px / 180x120px, format: png)
  • Gun (3 sprites, 200x250px / 250x200px, format: png)
  • Hammer (69 sprites, 448x432px, format: png)
  • Rifle (3 sprites, 200x250px / 250x200px, format: png)
  • Scythe (42 sprites, 448x432px, format: png)
  • Sword (36 sprites, 448x432px, format: png)
  • Bomb (18 sprites, size: 99x132px, format: png)
  • Bomb Explosion (11 sprites, size: 317x317px, format: png)
  • Bullet Gun (1 sprite, size: 155x107px, format: png)
  • Bullet Rifle (1 sprite, size: 125x51px, format: png)
  • Bullet Arrow (1 sprite, size: 164x36px, format: png)
  • Muzzle Flash Gun (1 sprite, size: 155x107px, format: png)
  • Muzzle Flash Rifle (1 sprite, size: 87x47px, format: png)
  • Character Shadow (1 sprite, size: 147x70px, format: png)

Tilemap & Decoration:

  • Sprite Atlas (1 sprite, 2048x2048px, format: png)
  • Decoration 1 (1 sprite, 128x128px, format: png)
  • Decoration 2 (1 sprite, 128x128px, format: png)
  • Decoration 3 (1 sprite, 128x128px, format: png)
  • Block 1 (1 sprite, 256x256px, format: png)


Free Character Example:

If you are interested in buying this package you can download and test the free 2D Character - Astronaut. It has the same file and sprite structure just with different assets.

100 Characters available:

There are 100 characters each with unique tilemaps and objects in 5 colour variants. Check out the 2D Ultimate Bundle if you would like to build something big. There is a huge discount on it if you would like to work with all 100 characters.

Other Themed Packages:

There are also 15 themed packages available containing 10 characters each:

2D Characters - Monster Bundle

2D Characters - Space Bundle

2D Characters - Family Bundle

2D Characters - Animal Bundle

2D Characters - Job Bundle

2D Characters - Fashion Bundle

2D Characters - Fantasy Bundle

2D Characters - Spiritual Bundle

2D Characters - Warrior Bundle

2D Characters - Holiday Bundle

2D Characters - Medical Bundle

2D Characters - Underground Bundle

2D Characters - Farm Bundle

2D Characters - Winter Bundle

2D Characters - Jungle Bundle


© Lootzifr GmbH



  • The package does not contain any code or sounds. The package is about sprite assets only.
  • The package contains for showcasing some demo scenes and animations.
  • It is recommended to create or add a proper animation controller.


  • Each Character, including its tilemap and decoration, has 5 color variants.
  • Each color variant has it’s own sprites and structures (demo scenes).
  • Folders of the color variants (A, B, C, D, E).


  • Character animations support 4 directions. Sprites are structured in up, down and side. Sprites for side animation always look to the left. The animation for right is the animation left - mirrored. (common practice).
  • If a character is holding items like weapons, boms, bows… the animation is split up in several character layers so the item sprite can be positioned in between. Animation that require this have folders with “overlay”.


  • The tilemap has simple tiles and can be combined with other character’s tilemaps of 2D ULTIMATE.
  • To build different layers you will need to add multiple tilemap grids / layers.
  • The structure is reversed. The higher a ground is supposed to be in the end result the lower it needs to be in the hierarchy (see demo example).
  • The Walls always need to be on top to cover transitions between grounds if wanted.


  • We recommend to only import animations and color variants that you will use. Example: Each Character has about 1K sprites. Due to the color alternatives this results in 5K per character. If you buy all 100 characters and try to load them into unity all at once you end up importing about 500,000 sprites. Depending on your hardware this can work but will take several hours.
  • To avoid dependency issues each character and even color alternative has a copy of the general objects, weapons, bombs and effects. That is redundant but required so a folder can work on its own. If you start a project we recommend to delete all duplicates and just focus on one version.


  • Usage outside of Unity: Yes, you can buy this package and also use the sprites on other game engines.
  • PSD, project or animation files: We don't provide any of those, only final sprites.
  • AI: All characters have been crafted by hand with love and passion.

2D Character - Reaper

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10 views in the past week
ライセンス: Single Entity
このアセットは Unity アセットストアの払い戻しポリシーの対象です。詳細については、EULA のセクション 2.9.3 を参照してください。
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
42.1 MB
オリジナルの Unity バージョン
11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
10 万人以上のフォーラムメンバーが支持
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